Production in a green, heavy oil field in Northern Kuwait with limited production history is in a fast track delivery to increase production in the short term. A fast but insightful evaluation was required to identify field-wide productivity enhancement opportunities needed to increase oil production. A parametric analysis methodology was applied to a "typical well" to first obtain the factors that limit the well's production thorough understanding of the overall well potential, to finaly identify inflow and outflow enhancement opportunities.

Nodal analysis based on Darcy inflow model was utilized and multiple sensitivities were run for parameters prevoisuly identified. The parameters were expanded in value considering possible technical solutions applicable but not limited to: completion and perforation design, artificial lift performance and surface equipment, in order to determine technical limits applicable for each parameter using a combination of proven and novel technologies.

The parametric analysis helped to identify inflow and outflow enhancement opportunities (from the sand face to the separator), including but not limited to: well stimulation, re-perforation, pump efficiency and back pressure reduction. The range of the theoretical oil rate improvement identified from the analysis was from 20 to 50%. Based on the model results, additional resources were alloactred for a more detailed validation and study work using simulation. The parametric modeling approach was subsequently crosschecked on individual well reviews, where detailed inflow and outflow evaluations were conducted resulting in good agreement in terms of value in production gains.

The applied methodology showed to be a valid and fast track approach, readily to identify field-wide production issues and opportunities, particularly at the start of field production. The results obtained from this study provide a comprehensive approach to understand how well design, engineering decisions and field operational practices will impact well productivity. The methodology can be easily replicated by engineers in similar fields.

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