In the period 2005-2018, land transportation-related incidents reported to the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, IOGP, resulted in 195 workforce fatalities. Land transportation-related incidents have historically been the single largest cause of fatalities in IOGP member company operations. This paper summarises IOGP's Motor Vehicle Crash, MVC, data and how the IOGP Land Transportation Subcommittee, LTSC, is using it to launch initiatives aimed at eliminating fatalities from the Upstream industry.
IOGP members voluntarily report their annual Motor Vehicle Crash data against four categories: Category C - Catastrophic events, Category M - Major events, Category S - Serious events, Category O - Other events. IOGP Members are encouraged to collect kilometres/miles driven by motor vehicles on company business, including company, contractor or subcontractor vehicles. This data is required to calculate Motor Vehicle Crash Rates, MVCR.
If we accept that no loss of life is acceptable, that people are vulnerable, even the best trained and most experienced make mistakes, and that we share the roads, then what can we do eliminate fatalities from motor vehicle crashes?
Analysis of IOGP datasets, including MVC and the fatal events submitted for the annual safety performance indicators reporting, has led to a recommendation to implement 3+1 for no more fatalities on the road, which is being adopted by IOGP Members:
Require use of three-point seatbelts and head restraints for all occupants for all type of vehicles.
Safe vehicles - For any newly purchased, leased or contracted light vehicles, only select vehicles with a five star NCAP rating in the region where the vehicle is purchased.
For any newly purchased, leased or contracted vehicles, equip/install vehicles with advanced vehicle technology based on outcome of risk assessment, and the +1) Visible leadership and commitment to implement IOGP Report 365
IOGP's MVC data records the annual global safety performance of the contributing IOGP member companies and associated contractors. This gives IOGP's Land Transport Sub Committee, LTSC, a unique view, broader than that derived from company or regional only data, and a unique platform to build initiatives from.