There is a wide agreement among scientists that methane emissions are under reported / counted or overlooked. Methane emissions are generally calculated using a combination of standard emission factors and engineering calculations. Oil and gas companies are under pressure to decarbonize their value chain. According to IPCC, "deep reductions" in non-CO2 emissions like methane are necessary to keep global average temperature rise within 1.5°C.
Company with an objective of reduction in methane emissions and enhancement of associated reporting is investing in a suite of technologies to reduce methane emissions and monitoring, measurement programs to minimize uncertainty in tracking and reporting of methane emissions.
The best practices include various engineering solutions i.e. flare recovery systems, green completion, electrification of drives and deploying advanced aerial technologies such as satellite tracking and in-plant measurements using IR cameras, fixed sensors, spectrophotometers for accurate monitoring and measurement of methane emissions.
Continuous emission monitoring system by top-down aerial surveys combined with source level emission monitoring assisted in identifying methane hotspots and developing emission reduction plans. These efforts will support ADNOC to achieve near zero methane emissions from our operated oil and gas assets by 2030 and will encourage our partners to achieve similar results.
In recognition of efforts, OGMP has certified ADNOC as Gold Standard Reporting company. This certification demonstrates company commitment and our leadership role towards enhancing both quality and transparency of methane data reporting and identify intervention actions required to tackle global methane emissions.