Egypt has the highest Road Fatality Rate worldwide. Roads claim at least 50% of the lives lost in the Petroleum Industry. During 2004, an initiative was set up to develop a cross industry committee. The aim was to create a strong, collaborative approach on Road Safety across our companies, the wider industry as well as the in community. The objectives were to:

  1. Raise awareness of progress and share lessons learned in monthly meetings.

  2. Adopt common industry standards.

  3. Influence contractors to adopt safer standards and improved performance.

  4. Influence local communities.

  5. Influence the issue on a National scale.

Membership has grown to 11 companies including key industry majors plus Joint Ventures. Working groups set out to develop detailed plans in 3 areas:

Egypt has the highest Road Fatality Rate worldwide. Roads claim at least 50% of the lives lost in the Petroleum Industry. During 2004, an initiative was set up to develop a cross industry committee. The aim was to create a strong, collaborative approach on Road Safety across our companies, the wider industry as well as the in community. The objectives were to:

  1. Raise awareness of progress and share lessons learned in monthly meetings.

  2. Adopt common industry standards.

  3. Influence contractors to adopt safer standards and improved performance.

  4. Influence local communities.

  5. Influence the issue on a National scale.

Membership has grown to 11 companies including key industry majors plus Joint Ventures. Working groups set out to develop detailed plans in 3 areas:

  • Spreading Awareness: Sharing road risk assessments, awareness materials (posters & CDs) and driver training needs & methods. Developing a common Road Safety website & Adopting a "Driver Passport" system to monitor competence.

  • Common Industry Standards: Adopting common driver and vehicle standards.

  • Contractor Management:. Adopting common Road Transport Contractor HSE Management Programs.

Implementation will be phased over a 3 year period.

Members founded the first Road safety NGO in Egypt. We sponsored the first Road Safety Conference held under the auspices of Egypt's First Lady. "Public - Private Partnerships" was the theme of our presentations. We shared our model with different industries, government authorities, and international organizations. We were invited to join Egypt's first National Road Safety Council.

Knowledge sharing was fundamental to the progress made. The committee engaged a growing population towards adopting common standards, our efforts being recognized throughout the industry, community and nationally. The work scope will document the experience and outcomes of a foundation built by a diverse group, in a short timescale, with great rewards.

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