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Proceedings Papers
SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition
October 4–6, 2016
Accra, Ghana
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Promoting Safe Work Environment and Good HSE Culture by Reporting Leading Indicators: Case Study in Oil & Gas Industry
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Jubilee Field Marine Environmental Monitoring Survey
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Implementing An Impact Mitigation Hierarchy to Minimize Ecological Impacts; A Case Study of Seismic Survey in Murchison Falls National Park
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Achieving Operational Efficiency through Focused HSSE Management and Leadership Controls: The Journey to Four Years LTI Free Operations in SPDC Wells Operations
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Emulsification and Heavy Metal Detoxification Potentials of Sophorolipid Biosurfactants Produced from Waste Substrates using Yeast and Mushroom.
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
The Kosmos Innovation Model - Using Integrative Processes to Redefine Social Investments for Greater Social Impact in Ghana
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Deepwater Ghana Abandoned and Suspended Wells Monitoring and Verification Process; A Basis for Prevention of Future Unwanted Environmental Leakages of Wellbore Fluids
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
How Safety Cases and Bowties Can be Used to Improve Safety
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
An Oil and Gas Company Operating in An Area of High Biodiversity - A Model for Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Ghana Students Invigorate School Classrooms with the Oil and Gas Story using the SPE's Energy4Me Programme
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Incapacitation of Each Vital Equipment at a Time in Highly Demanding Situation - Is it Beyond Visualization of Trained and Experienced Workforce?
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Human Factors and Fallacies of Behaviour Based Safety Program
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Pilot Plant Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Drill Mud - Case Study in Ghana
D.. Osei-Twumasi; B.. Fei-Baffoe; L.. Darkwah; F.. Adomako; D. A. Boateng; W. B. Johnson; R.. Yartel; K.. Ennin
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Assessing Existing Effluent Analysis Requirements to Improve Effluent Quality Reporting
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Whole Systems Analysis of a High Reliability Organization
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Making an E&P - Fisheries Management Plan Work in Ghana - A Multi-Stakeholder Approach towards Addressing Implementation Challenges
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Solutions for Management of Oil on Drilled Cuttings in the New Deepwater Oil Province of Ghana
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Five Years of Oil Production in the Jubilee Field: Operational Safety Lessons Learned for TEN and Other Oil Fields in Offshore Ghana
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Fifteen-Year Accident Causation Assessment of the Petroleum Industry in South and Central America Using Statistical Correlations
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
The 4M Process Safety Approach for Planning Simultaneous Operations SIMOPs in a Deepwater Tender Assist Project
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Ghana's Response to National Emergencies and Disaster Management: An Advocacy for a Multisectoral Approach
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Preventing Injury and Fatalities - Applying a Preventing Serious Injury and Fatalities Field Guide
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
New Onshore Drilled Cuttings Treatment Facility Takes a Bold Environmental Initiative in Ghana
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Effect of Different Nutrient Amendments on Eco-Restoration of a Crude Oil Polluted Soil
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Waiting Time is a Wasted Time: Obio Cottage Hospital Outpatient Transit Time Improvement
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Toxic Contents Removal from Gas/Condensate Offshore Produced Water with the Macro Porous Polymer Extraction Technology
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
CABGOC Process Safety Risk Management Challenges – Process Safety Effectiveness and Performance Improvement by Effective Process Implementation and Verification & Validation of Critical Safeguards
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Process Safety PS Metrics Driving Change and Behavior
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Petroleum Product Storage Tank, Design and Loss Control Management
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Risk Assessment of LPG Usage by Some Commercial Businesses in Tarkwa Municipality
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Business Continuity Management in a Dynamic Environment – Lessons From Macondo
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Innovative Approaches to Healthcare Delivery in Resource Limited Settings: Lessons from Nigeria
A. O. Fajola; R. N. Ogbimi; A.. Oyo-Ita; O.. Mosuro; A.. Mustapha; C.. Umejiego; B.. Fakunle; C.. Uduma
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
Dope-Free Technology in Oilfield Tubulars Reduces Environmental Discharge Amongst Other Benefits
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
The Future is Now: Imagery-Based Analysis and Assessment for More Robust ESIAs
Paper presented at the SPE African Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility Conference and Exhibition, Accra, Ghana, October 2016. doi:
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