This work documents the creation of a post-graduate (Master's) degree program in Petroleum Engineering (MSPE) at the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Maputo, Mozambique. The genesis of this program was a request from the government of Mozambique to a corporate entity to provide assistance with the development of a domestic talent pool in petroleum engineering (in this case, the entity is Anadarko Mozambique Area 1 [AMA1], a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation [APC]).

This program is unique in that it is a working partnership amongst the sponsor (AMA1), the education entity (UEM), and a team of renowned U.S.-based faculty.

Historically, multinational companies would simply make philanthropic contributions to a local institution and then turn their focus on their core business. Today, all parties expect more from each other; host governments and their industry partners want equal input on where and how social responsibility projects are directed, including which projects should be undertaken. Likewise, the beneficiaries of these contributions are requesting increased levels of involvement and assistance to deliver maximum benefits for their constituents. This is the situation in Mozambique; all of the parties--the government, the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), and Anadarko Mozambique Area 1 (AMA1)--have agreed to and fully support this collaborative development model.

The goal of this project is to provide an approach which fully meets the academic standards and rigor of a world-class post-graduate degree program in Petroleum Engineering while providing sustainable capability development in terms of the students and the faculty. This model relies on the commitment of all parties to achieve “steady-state” in as short a time as possible; in this case, the planned time-scale from inception to independence is on the order of four years. At present, the project is on schedule with two cohorts of students and seven UEM faculty progressing.

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