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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130095-MS
... naseri neural network model annular pressure drilling simulator production monitoring machine learning phase flow flow pattern production logging upstream oil & gas ansari reservoir surveillance mean square error production control prediction artificial intelligence deviation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130755-MS
... fractured gas well production monitoring flow in porous media production control sulige gas field production time drillstem testing reservoir surveillance dynamic reserve unit change drillstem/well testing complex reservoir production data tight gas reservoir gas well individual well tight...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130850-MS
... flow water fraction horizontal pipe stratified flow crude oil pressure drop gradient flow pattern reservoir surveillance oil-dominated region annular flow production control mixture velocity upstream oil & gas fluid dynamics production monitoring droplet experiment oil-water flow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130302-MS
... reservoir characterization permeability equation burgan reservoir fluid dynamics flow rate wellbore flow in porous media upstream oil & gas drawdown gravity force production control water breakthrough reservoir spe 130302 production monitoring enhanced recovery mobility ratio viscous...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130996-MS
... production monitoring thickness reservoir simulation flow in porous media permeability condensate blockage north field reservoir surveillance condensate saturation productivity index upstream oil & gas grid block saturation horizontal well condensate reservoir dew point pressure relative...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130143-MS
... supercritical co 2 production chemistry void fraction oilfield chemistry well control drilling fluid workplace hazard production logging contingency planning total pressure gradient blowout china phase change operational safety reservoir surveillance production control production monitoring h2s...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-129783-MS
... enhanced recovery waterflooding reservoir 1 crmt artificial intelligence total production rate injection rate oil production rate reservoir surveillance production monitoring upstream oil & gas time constant oil reservoir producer fractional flow model crmt model production rate oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131019-MS
... & gas equation production control spe 131019 multi-segment multiphase wellbore model production monitoring node data structure wellbore accuracy society of petroleum engineers artificial intelligence wellbore model reservoir simulation correlation production logging refinement segment...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130354-MS
... control production monitoring pl data gas well binary logistic regression perforated sand logistic constraint upstream oil & gas water rate detect water entry Introduction Geology in Gulf of Thailand (GOT) is complicated because of fluvial deposition and multi-stacked reservoirs...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130517-MS
.... playback curve borehole flammable hydrocarbon northeast sichuan annular pressure drilling upstream oil & gas downhole explosion extinction sub drilling drilling technology sensor field application society of petroleum engineers gas drilling well control production monitoring explosion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-130910-MS
... estimation artificial intelligence flow metering evaluation fraction expression uncertainty evaluation spe 130910 application measurement uncertainty upstream oil & gas input quantity quantity densitometer reservoir surveillance monte carlo simulation production monitoring phase fraction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131378-MS
... horizontal annulus drilling fluid liquid slip void fraction directional drilling production monitoring eqn experiment drilling operation wellbore spe 131378 reservoir surveillance Introduction Underbalanced drilling is one of the most widely used drilling techniques while operating at low...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131234-MS
... production control drilling fluid formulation drilling fluid selection and formulation production monitoring herschel-bulkley fluid application flow rate apparent viscosity annular pressure drilling drilling fluids and materials velocity field artificial intelligence equation viscosity color...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131150-MS
... be determined correctly using the proposed testing method. gas reservoir upstream oil & gas reservoir surveillance production logging wellbore derivative curve damage radius non-darcy effect fluid temperature production control production monitoring reservoir permeability flow model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131760-MS
... the norms. esp gas separation water cut fbhp application stb day gas handler production monitoring esp liquid rate upstream oil & gas reservoir surveillance gas separator production control separator free gas liquid rate spe 131760 target rate artificial lift system bubble point...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131437-MS
... directional drilling completion string diameter rate profile productivity index horizontal well horizontal section vertical well production monitoring spe annual technical conference variable mass flow pressure drop Introduction Horizontal well is an important technology to enhance oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131151-MS
.... The simulation results indicate that with current technology, gas production from Shenhu hydrate deposits may not be economically efficient for all the production strategies we have investigated. injection shenhu area depressurization hydrate deposit drilling operation waterflooding production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131370-MS
... the high water inflow sections. sequential gaussian simulation downhole flow condition reservoir simulation temperature measurement reservoir characterization sensitivity production data permeability distribution reservoir permeability distribution spe annual technical conference production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-131634-MS
... water multiphase pump production monitoring equation wellhead pressure power fluid reservoir surveillance upstream oil & gas Introduction Lungu reservoir is a heavy oil reservoir containing an asphaltic crude with viscosities ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 mPa·s at 50°C...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, June 8–10, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-132179-MS
... lockup friction coiled tubing coefficient upstream oil & gas production monitoring Introduction The Ghawar field is located in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Within this field is an area known as south Ghawar, Saudi Arabia. This field has been developed with horizontal smart...

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