The well patterns and pattern types of well placement issue in a productive formation is an important aspect of the effective field development. The problem solution is impossible on the intuitive level due to the reservoir inhomogeneity. At present the well pattern is accepted to be located basing on the famous criteria, specialist experience and hydrodynamical simulation on a reservoir model. The designer should analyze many field development variants with different well spacing during limited time interval. The adjustment of large-scale multiwell field-development projects is challenging because the number of adjustment variables and the size of the search space can become excessive. This difficulty can be circumvented by considering well patterns and then optimizing parameters associated with pattern type and geometry. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for accomplishing this type of adjustment for vertical two or three reservoirs. The development of vertical multiple reservoirs were usually by a separate well pattern for every reservoir, or through reservoir-by-reservoir from bottom to top by only one well pattern. A separate well pattern for every reservoir requires drilling many more wells and higher investment costs, while development through reservoir-by-reservoir from bottom to top by one well pattern made oil recovery rate and development efficiency very low and uneconomic. Consideration on fully developing every reservoir well efficiently, firstly, an inverted-nine well pattern was designed for every reservoir and the well space was L (L was defined as an optimal well space for respective reservoir) and the distance between adjacent well patterns was L. Secondly, all wells were drilled to the bottom of the lowest reservoir. Thirdly, when average water-cut of producers in every two well patterns was greater than 80%, the two well patterns interchanged reservoirs. Finally, when all reservoir interchange was completed, every reservoir was developed by the new equivalent infilled well pattern with well space of L. The adjustment strategy made the required number of drilling wells in the whole field can be reduced by 50% and achieved better development effect. This strategy was put into practice on North Buzachi oil field in Kazakhstan and average oil rate of single well was increased by 20%, oil recovery rate has an increment by 12 percent, the recovery factor was increased by 6.7%, economic profit is 1.8 times that of one separate well pattern for every reservoir, the effect was perfect. This work analyzed the performance of this new strategy of well pattern design and adjustment to effectively develop vertical multiple series of reservoirs and the methods to determine the reasonable time of two well patterns interchanging reservoirs through simulation study and current application effects.