Due to reservoir conditions in the Apika-Nenke field, it was decided to carry out a hydraulic fracturing pilot project with the aim of maximizing production in the field. To achieve the objective, cores, image logs, pressure points, and sonic dipole logs were obtained to have the greatest amount of information available during the analysis and thus stimulate the reservoir to obtain the maximum potential.

After the analysis of the laminated reservoirs, it was required to implement a technique that generates higher fracture conductivity to reduce the drawdown during production and improve the connection through the laminations. The successful implementation of channel fracturing led to this technique becoming the preferred completion method in the field for wells requiring stimulation.

Three hydraulic fracturing treatments were performed in Apaika-Nenke field: one in 2015 and two in 2022. With continuous improvement in the perforating and fracturing technique, all jobs demonstrated outstanding production results. The implementation of hydraulic fracturing permits the production of this reservoir, which was considered a secondary target due to the low production results without fracturing.

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