Objectives / Scope

A new surface controlled gas lift technology focused on cost sensitive applications has been recently developed and deployed the Permian Basin of West Texas. This paper will describe the new technology, summarize the installation process, and discuss its relevance to other unconventional, onshore, and mature field applications.

Methods, Procedures, and Processes

This discussion initially summarizes the advantages this new iteration of digital surface controlled gas lift offers over more traditional gas lift methodologies. That is followed by a description of a recent unconventional installation highlighting additional advantages. It further offers considerations that drive a successful installation. That leads directly to other applications appropriate for this technology.

Results, Observations, and Conclusions

The successful installation showcases the intersection of engineering and field experience. Exposure to a broad spectrum of environments has built an understanding of the elements and features critical to specific applications. Lessons learned from extensive installations and designs have helped hone this tool into one that caters to unconventional and mature assets. Vast field experience has guided the processes and preparation required to implement a successful implementation. This has now been proven by the successful implementation of the technology in an unconventional application and holds true for challenging applications worldwide.

Novel/Additive Information

Surface controlled gas lift systems have been installed in premium wells all over the world. However, this case study and the new surface controlled gas lift system provide an example and opportunity to expand this technology to a broader set of wells in unconventional and mature fields.

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