The work is devoted to the problem of modeling the filtration processes of light and non-volatile oils in compressible reservoirs with low reservoir pressure, inflow to the well and intermittent pumping of oil from the well by a sucker-rod pump in a integrated system.

The system under study is considered in the context of discrete simulation modeling. It consists of the following objects: Pump, well and reservoir (well-drained zone). An algorithm has been developed for determining the pump idle time based on the criterion of the minimum cost of oil extracted during a full pump cycle.

For the first time, a computer model of the pump-well-reservoir system was created on the base of the discrete-imitational modeling concept taking into account the PVT properties of reservoir fluids and the compressibility of the reservoir rocks. The sucker-rod pumping process in a intermittent mode has been studied, the nature of the influence of the pump idle time on the efficiency of the pumping at various reservoir permeabilities has been established. The developed algorithms can be used to create smart wells.

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