Single-well production platforms have presented challenges in terms of the limited footprint of facility upgrades as well as the associated cost of upgrading platforms. The paper will address the installation of a remote VSD system to operate the ESP installed on a single-well platform.

The approach for such a novel project is to locate the closest platform with the required infrastructure available. This is to facilitate ESP deployment on a single-well platform with limited floor space for mounting the surface equipment. To avoid major modifications to the platform structure, the VSD is installed in another platform within the vicinity. Both platforms are connected with a 5 KV submarine cable to operate the ESP remotely.

The subject remote VSD installation on the single-well platform has resulted in a cost avoidance of capital expenditure compared to the conventional platform upgrades to accommodate ESP surface equipment. A minor upgrade to the single-well platform was done for ESP installation to unlock the well's potential in combination with VSD installation on the nearest platform.

The voltage drop in this case is much higher in the single-well platform than in the conventional platform due to the distance from the remote VSD to the ESP. Additionally, the specifications of the cable ensured that the readings were transmitted and available at the VSD skid. The novelty of the remote VSD system is that it will unlock the potential and avoid associated capital costs of upgrading single-well platforms that are constrained due to platform limitations.

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