Typical Rotating Control Device (RCD) offerings used for offshore Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) operations do not include active sealing elements with the ability to rotate. An active/rotating RCD can significantly increase seal life through added operational control and real-time monitoring. This paper presents major performance advancements for an active/rotating RCD using hyperelastic FEA of the sealing element, rapid prototyping through correlation with testing, and development of a high-performance bearing system.
Improvements to the sealing element life were realized by utilizing FEA techniques to optimize the seal design and correlate with full-scale test results. The results of this analysis/design/test approach will be discussed, emphasizing the evaluation of the sealing element with an off-center drill string.
The development of a new bearing system is also presented with a comparison to roller bearings. The bearing system was designed to withstand rigorous testing simulating operational conditions such as side loads due to off-center drill string. The laboratory test results demonstrate the enhanced performance of this RCD and validate its suitability for demanding applications.
Finally, several product use cases for this RCD are explored, demonstrating its ability to withstand pressure from above and below for broad operational applications, such as In-Riser, Below-Tension-Ring (BTR), and Riserless systems. Future work includes API 16RCD (API 16RCD, June 2022) Qualification and Service Application Testing to replicate anticipated field conditions.