Cloud adoption – often referred to as "digital" has in recent times, proven to effectively eliminate hardware and software resource efficiency and sufficiency limitations obtainable in on-premise (located within company facility) infrastructure, in the area of compute and storage. It has also become apparent, that Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assisted workflows dramatically increases productivity for domain experts (Engineers, Geoscientists, Geologists, etc.), abstracting away mundane and repetitive tasks while leaving room for greater levels of productivity. However, accessing the above stated benefits of AI and digital must be inevitably preceded by data liberation from siloed systems into a democratized cloud-ready secure platform.
The SLB DMaaS (Data Management as a Service) solution, a suite of SLB "best-in-class" software technology which was successfully deployed for the first time in West Africa for a Nigerian Independent Energy Company in the year 2023, was designed to adequately implement a secure and democratized cloud ready collaborative environment devoid of siloed data sources. Aimed at creating an environment which is not just ready for a seamless transition to the cloud environment with minimal effort, but also a secure and accessible system to all authorized data users (domain experts) within the organization, the DMaaS solution is also OSDU (Open Subsurface Data Universe) ready.
The DMaaS solution technology suite presents a key piece in the puzzle of the Global Energy Industry digital transformation journey as well as the benefits therein. Elaborately discussed in this paper, are insights to how SLB is helping the global energy industry unlock the value hidden in data through Data Management for cloud adoption, digital transformation and AI – assisted workflows.