Ammonia is a dense energy carrier with high energy density and established supply chain for transport, and storage of green energy. Ammonia is a common commodity used in the fertiliser and chemical sector and has a potential to become an affordable and sustainable energy carrier to meet growing demand for industrial decarbonisation. This paper describes an innovative ceramics-based solid oxide fuel cell technology for conversion of ammonia into fossil fuel parity energy at a thermal efficiency of 85%. The technology is based on proton conducting ceramics (PCC) electrochemical pathway which eliminates NOx emissions by design and ammonia slippage by catalyst performance and reactor design. The technology has been developed over the last 7 years and the ammonia utilisation capabilities has been proven through demonstrations conducted for O&G and industrial companies. The technology uses low-cost and widely available ceramics-based catalyst. The technology is particularly suited for industrial decarbonisation because of the ability to yield high efficiency and the ability to produce low-cost heat at 700C and hydrogen as byproducts.

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