This paper aims to demonstrate how Virtual Reality (VR), a technology that gives the user an immersive 3D experience, is being used successfully as part of major accident hazard (MAH) awareness training and how this has been sustained to provide an innovative, powerful method of ongoing workforce engagement.
In the VR scenarios designed by DNV, the user carries out a typical operational task, but an error then leads to a loss of containment and fire, or explosion. The realism of the scenario creates a memorable experience and helps users remember key safety messages from the VR and the training programme they are embedded in. The immersive learning environment, which is engaging and fun, has proved to be a highly effective method of learning. Direct learning points include hazards and SECEs that are specific to each scenario, risk assessments and incorporation of the IOGP process safety fundamentals and lifesaving rules, but the discussions that can be had around the VR have proven to be equally valuable.
Like the majority of the 10 operators currently using the MAH VR, Harbour Energy have tailored their MAH awareness training around the virtual reality, which has played a critical role in engaging the workforce and facilitating training around the consequences if mistakes are made. The result of the VR technique and planned deployment by Harbour has been further improvement in MAH engagement across the whole company. In a clear demonstration of this success, Harbour Energy have recently won the IChemE Training and Development Award in 2022 for Fostering Process Safety Culture Through Innovation, for their VR programme.
The use of VR is a novel method for MAH awareness training, which gives the industry a new approach to this. Harbour's application has shown how to keep this live and engaging over a number of years. It is a safe, cost effective and interactive method that could revolutionise training. In collaboration with Harbour Energy and other Operators, DNV are looking for even more novel ways to develop and use the VR technology.