Reservoir souring is a long-standing issue for the oil and gas industry caused by sulfate-reducing microorganisms (SRM) producing H2S from sulfate ions. In this work, we investigated the connections between the development of souring and the change in three key microbial ecology metrics: the abundance, alpha diversity and community structure of a souring microbiota under the biocide treatment of 100 ppm glutaraldehyde (henceforth referred to as GA). These are studied in sand-packed flow-through bioreactors during and after the biocide treatment using cutting-edge DNA assays. Our study suggests that the rebound of microbial sulfide production after the 100 ppm GA treatment is closely associated with the recovery in microbial abundance and microbial alpha diversity. The study also shows that 100 ppm GA treatment may lead to a measurable shift in the SRM community structure. By comparing the effluent microbial community with the sand microbial community, the study suggests that the change in alpha diversity of the produced water microbial community might be an early warning for the sulfide breakthrough due to souring recurrence in practice.

This work explores the relationship between souring and the underlining microbial community behaviours in response to the 100 ppm GA treatment and, to characterise these changes, we propose measurable metrics. A conceptual model is also proposed describing the near-term biological process behind the biocide treatment-recovery cycle in a souring scenario. Finally, this work highlights the potential applications and caveats of harnessing the increasingly available field microbial community data for the improvement of souring modelling and field souring control strategies.

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