Huffco Indonesia has developed and installed a computerized database system called PARM System - "Production and Reserves Monitoring System". This integrated database handles data that includes reservoir, geological, production, operations and mechanical well data. While the PARM System data are acquired and controlled from many technical and operations disciplines within the company it is always input as close to the original source as possible.

The PARM System, as an integrated production and reserves data source for Huffco Indonesia, has applications across a wide range of engineering and operations disciplines. Daily production and operations reports, monthly production allocation and product distribution reports, daily drilling reports and summary reports and many other necessary routine reports are generated by the PARM System. Benefits of analysis of large volumes of data, which were previously very cumbersome to attempt, are now being realized by engineering groups. Ad-hoc data retrievals provide consistent current and historical data for production and reservoir engineering applications.

An integrated computerized database system such as the PARM System, provides a cost and time efficient engineering and operations tool. It pro ides unparalleled accessibility to any data likely to affect or resulting from the oil and gas production of a well, zone or field. Accuracy of original data is improved due to multi-user review and built-in integrity checks. Development of a system, such as the PARM System, should be done on a prototype basis under direct engineering management.

Application of computer technology to the petroleum industry is manifested in the PARM System by virtue of capturing and handling of the basic oil and gas operations and engineering data. This paper describes the design and implementation concepts of the PARM System as well as engineering and operations applications ranging from simple reports and data retrievals to interfacing with reservoir simulation software.

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