Development of the Central Luconia gas fields, located offshore Sarawak, started in 1982. To date three gas fields have been developed, Ell, F23 and the third and largest gas field, F6, which came on stream in January 1987. The daily production rate averages some 1000 MMscf/d.
The gas is delivered via a single 36" trunkline from Ell to the Malaysian LNG liquefaction plant for the manufacture of LNG at approximately 6 million tonnes per year for a period of 20 years. Gas is also distributed to the ASEAN Bintulu Fertilisation plant for the production of urea and ammonia, and to Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation for power generation.
This paper describes the 3D simulation study that has been carried out for the F6 field which forms the basis for the development planning of the field. The plan proposed a total of ten producer and one observation well to be drilled from the drilling platform F6DP-A located near the crestal part of the field.
Despite the large reservoir areal extent of about 168 km2, it is expected that the field can be adequately drained from a single platform with ten producers.
The main uncertainties which may affect the field performance are the transmissibility of a tight argillaceous layer which may separate the gas bearing part of the field into two zones and the possibility of water drive. The likely impact of these uncertainties on the development plan and gas recovery has been addressed in the simulation study.
Taking the above uncertainties into consideration, recovery factors are estimated to be between 61% and 75%.