The prime objective of presenting this paper is to disseminate experience so as to optimize treatments to increase hydrocarbon production and to protect downhole assets from producing oil and gas wells. The authors want to share their pertinent experience for application to increase production, reduce corrosion and scale formation down hole with effectiveness and pecuniary advantages to the Operators.

"Knowing Your Wells". This is an important criterion. With the correct knowledge, targeting the correct type of wells and when to charge the well with foam sticks can increase production by as much as 25-30%. Secondly, the encapsulated inhibitors application are an inexpensive choice for bottom hole treatment applications against scale and corrosion. The application of Gas and Foam sticks and encapsulated inhibitors are a low cost method compared with Oil field standard techniques. The well selection criteria depend on well completions, bottom-hole configuration, well integrity, flowing parameters and fluid constituents.

Oil and Gas wells can be internally protected and therefore sustaining production with less intervention, resulting in considerable reduction in maintenance costs using these methods. Also both these techniques can be used in conjunction with other procedures, for example, after coil tubing jobs, immediately charge the well with the appropriate encapsulated inhibitor. In the case of Foam sticks as pressures drop and flow decreases, using the foam stick technique can keep the well flowing at the higher production rates. Both these techniques are not a solution to every problem well but when used in the correct manner on suitable wells with the correct treatment, increase in production is achieved with a considerable reduction in CapEx & OpEx.

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