The HRPCP technology consists in adding HR’s - hydraulic regulators - to traditional PCP; the HR’s are distributed throughout the pump and their design corresponds to coupled pump - well requirements (1).

Consequently, the HRPCP technology is capable of controlling the pump behavior in liquid and multiphase flows: uniform distribution of pressures, reduction of temperatures, handling gas compression without heat build-up and lubrication of rotor - stator interference contact.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of the HRPCP technology is the significant improvement of the pump run life & production performance in liquid and multiphase flows.

The HRPCP technology targets include reactivation of wells considered uneconomic in mature fields, production from complex heavy/waxy/gassy oil wells, efficiency increase of gas well dewatering, enhancement of inefficient gas lift systems, eliminating the need for gas anchors / separators.

The paper focusses first on the HRPCP bench tests dedicated to HR’s optimal design: reduction of frictional torque in liquid flow, pump behavior in stationary and transient multiphase flow, energy savings.

Finally, the paper summarizes the observations made on the fields (Venezuela, Argentina): the run life of HRPCP is up to 10 times that of traditional PCP (2, 3).

In fact, the optimal design of HRPCP is confirmed by the pilot case stories on field (2, 3).

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