Partial maintenance of reservoir pressure through gas injection has been successful in the FS/LC/ 438/III Reservoir in the Gyzabad Syncline Field. This paper discusses the actual and predicted performances of paper discusses the actual and predicted performances of the reservoir.
The Fyzabad Syncline Field is one of the few cases of hydrocarbon accumulation in a Syncline. The reservoir is a sandstone matrix with highly variable characteristics. It is located at 7200 ft., subsea, and consists of four distinct sand beds the uppermost being the most extensive and comprises the gas cap.
Rapid decline from the initial reservoir pressure of 4915 psig coupled with the availability of produced gas, resulted in a gas injection program being undertaken to partially maintain reservoir pressure. On initiation of partially maintain reservoir pressure. On initiation of injection, the reservoir pressure had fallen to 2080 psia with a recovery of 27.4% of the original oil in place. Present reservoir pressure is 900 psia with a corresponding Present reservoir pressure is 900 psia with a corresponding recovery of 38.97% of the original oil in place.