A quick, inexpensive way to maximize the use of routine core analysis data is desired to support both geological and engineering works. Better understanding about pore structure and geometry that relate to hydraulic characteristics of a pores system can lead to improved reservoir characterization.
The objectives of this paper are to present techniques to improve permeability prediction and identify the implications of relationship between pore structural and geometrical attributes on hydraulic characteristic of rock samples. The present work is based on equations of capillary model. The equations in fact contain three important hydraulic parameters: mean and effective hydraulic diameters as the geometrical parameters and hydraulic conductivity as the structural parameter. These parameters and porosity are the main variables to be used in the crossplot analysis and interpretation.
This work is facilitated with two core data sets of sandstones and carbonates. It is demonstrated that crossplot of the effective hydraulic diameter against porosity can be used to predict permeability. Comparisons between this technique and the previous one show that the present technique results in less scatter data points and overall gives better permeability prediction. The crossplot of either effective or mean hydraulic diameter versus hydraulic conductivity works perfectly in dividing all the data points into several distinct groups. The data points of each group are lining to form a straight line. Two and four distinct straight lines with different slopes are formed, respectively, for the sandstones and carbonates. These are in excellent agreement with the electrofacies and the result of Leverett's J-Function analysis. Overall, this paper provides the related theoretical background and detailed discussion on the results, giving better understanding about pore structure and geometry and its relation with permeability and rock typing.