Understanding reservoir compartmentalization is one of the key aspects of effective reservoir management. The optimization of production and injection wells is a key objective of this process. Integration of seismic, formation tester and other data along with production results, provides valuable information about reservoir compartmentalization.
This data integration concept was applied to characterize reservoir connectivity in the central development region of the White Rose Field. The reservoir interval consists of a thick Cretaceous-aged sandstone reservoir (Ben Nevis formation) located offshore Newfoundland, Canada. The field development strategy involves drilling horizontal producers and a combination of deviated and horizontal injectors. Production/injection began before drilling of all wells in the field, leading to drilling under dynamic conditions in a field that achieved oil production rates in excess of 135,000 bbl/d.
Prior to production, the White Rose Field appeared relatively homogeneous with well-connected flow units, although reservoir heterogeneity and fault compartmentalization were considered the greatest risks to recovery. Subsequent dynamic multi-disciplinary data obtained during production highlights specific intervals of compartmentalization allowing for a focused approach in dealing with heterogeneous flow. Formation pressure while drilling (FPWD) data, acquired in newly drilled horizontal or deviated wells, indicate complex flow paths between injector and producer. A combination of pressure data from multiple wells, petrophysical interpretations, geophysical analysis, and production data, provides important information about reservoir connectivity and the transmission properties of several faults.
This paper describes how an integrated approach, along with the implementation of new technology measurements, facilitated effective reservoir management. The integration of the data to transform the pre-production reservoir characterization into a synproduction simulation model is elaborated upon. The discussion also addresses the sealing nature of the faults and vertical barriers to flow. The process has been useful in managing the production and injection wells, as well as determining the drilling requirements for infill wells.