This paper describes how the fracture model for Ahmadi was incorporated into a single and dual porosity simulation model. It highlights the approach and methodology that has been used for understanding the reservoir connectivity and its drive mechanism. In addition, the effect of dual porosity model in improving the initial history match of the reservoir performance and its recovery mechanism has been studied.

The two Ahmadi carbonate reservoirs in Bahrain Field (Aa and Ab) are thin, highly faulted and irregularly-fractured. The complexity of these reservoirs has prevented an efficient recovery with average production of wells to 15 Bopd. This has prompted a detailed integrated study to fully understand the recovery mechanism and to increase the wells' productivity.

A conceptual model has been developed for the reservoir connectivity of Ahmadi reservoirs by integrating static and dynamic data. This comprehensive study that integrates transient welltesting and production data with cores and image logs to map fracture network derived using seismic facies has resulted in improving the understanding of reservoir connectivity and flow mechanism. This was accomplished by building Discrete Fracture Model (DFN) that was tuned and validated using sector local well test models to match KH and pressure responses.

In order to reduce uncertainties in the model, different scenarios were built for different fracture intensity and aperture to derive appropriate parameters to pass to reservoir simulator for full field simulation. DFN model output was used in both single and dual porosity models to obtain production performance of the reservoirs.

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