This study examines which is the margin of usability for Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms related to the rock properties distribution in static modeling. This novel method shows a forward modeling approach using neural networks and genetic algorithms to optimize correlation patterns among seismic traces of stack volumes and well rock properties. Once a set of nonlinear functions is optimized in the well locations, to correlate seismic traces and rock properties, spatial response is estimated using the seismic volume. This seismic characterization process is directly dependent on the error minimization during the structural seismic interpretation process, as well as, honoring the structural complexity while modeling. Previous points are key elements to obtain an adequate correlation between well data and seismic traces. The joint mechanism of neural networks and genetic algorithms globally optimize the nonlinear functions and its parameters to minimize the cost function. Estimated objective function correlates well rock properties with seismic stack data. This mechanism is applied to real data, within a high structural complexity and several wells. As an output, calibrated petrophysical time volumes in the interval of interest are obtained. Properties are used initially to generate a geological facies model. Subsequently, facies and seismic properties are used for the three-dimensional distribution of petrophysical properties such as: rock type, porosity, clay volume and permeability. Therefore, artificial intelligence algorithms can be widely exploited for uncertainty reduction within the rock property spatial estimation.