This paper address the numerical simulation of the chemically enhanced gas injection technology (ChEGas-EOR) at core and reservoir scales. In this technique, a liquid chemical solution, having engineered properties, is sprayed along with the gas stream. The mist travels through the wellbore and further introduced in the reservoir. Previous lab tests, pilot studies in light & intermediate oil reservoirs indicate that the application of CheGas-EOR allows for a reduction in operational costs, increases the chemical penetration radii and decreases the retention rate in the rock. However, the associated uncertainty is still too high to develop this process on a productive scale. In this work we use a developed phenomenological model to build a tool that assist in design and evaluation of Chemical Gas EOR operations aiming to reduce the uncertainties and optimize oil recovery.

We developed a mathematical model, based on the most important transport and surface phenomena. Non-equilibrium mass transfer between phases during the interception of the chemical solution droplets with the liquid phases. Active chemical concentration in miscible liquid phases is much lower than liquid-based chemical injection opperations. As a consequence, dissolution and adsorption rate of active chemicals with reservoir rocks are slow. The model is base on the extended black-oil model formulation coupled to local mass balance equations of active chemicals. Non-equilibrium mass transfer processes are represented with interception, dissolution and a first order kinetic sorption models.

The model was adjusted and then validated using experimental data from core-.floodint tests. Good agreement of the simulations results with experimental observations were obtained. The model can predict the relevant behavior of the disperse chemical injection in the gas phase in porous media. Also, well injections simulations at reservoir scale using the matched parameters from laboratory, reproduced pilot field results. Simulation experiments predict that the CheGasEOR process can increased substantially the oil recovery factor.

For the first time, a model for disperse chemical injection for EOR applications is developed and validated at core and reservoir scale. The simulation model allows the evaluation of this technology at different scales. Therefore, it is possible to use it to optimize operating conditions and perform sensitivity analysis for field applications.

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