Since the early 1970s, numerous presentations have been made and articles written about pilot tests and field-scale enhanced oil recovery projects using carbon dioxide (CO2) as a solvent. This paper summarizes publicly available data on 30 projects. The use of CO2 has grown significantly since the early-1980s, especially in the Permian Basin, as reliable supplies of CO2 became more available. Today, even with depressed crude oil markets, the use of CO2 continues to grow. The use of CO2 in the Rocky Mountain region is increasing, primarily among those with prior CO2 flooding experience in the Permian Basin. As the demand for CO2 increases in the Rocky Mountains, so will the supply, and the same growth experienced in the Permian Basin should be seen. As with any major project in the oil industry, the enhanced recovery of oil requires thorough advance planning to determine the optimum EOR method. This summary of CO2 projects is intended to provide a brief on each project, describe the reservoir parameters, and review the conclusions of the individual authors, in addition to providing a quick reference of available papers to which those interested may turn for greater detail. Since the use of CO2 has been successfully tried in a wide range of reservoirs and under a variety of operating conditions, the application of CO2 in Rocky Mountain reservoirs should be every bit as successful as it has been elsewhere.

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