Recently, more and more reservoir flow models are being extended to integrated ones to consider the influence of the surface network on the field development. A serious numerical problem is the handling of constraints in the form of inequalities. It is especially difficult in combination with optimization and automatic control of well and surface equipment. Traditional numerical methods solve the problem iteratively, choosing the operation modes for network elements. Sometimes solution may violate constraints or not be an optimal. The paper proposes a new flexible and relatively efficient method that allows to reliably handle constraints. The idea is to work with entire set of all possible operation modes according to constraints and control capabilities. Let's call this set an operation modes domain (OMD). The problem is solved in two stages. On the first stage (direct course) the OMD are calculated for all network elements from wells to terminal. Constraints are handled by narrowing the OMD. On the second stage (backward course) the optimal solution is chosen from OMD.

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