The aim of the work is to optimize the fresh water treatment design, frequency and production regimes (maximize NPV of the well operation) for wells with high NaCl content formation water (brines) production, which are very common for the Eastern Siberia, and forecast productivity index (PI) decline rates and production profiles for the wells by means of halite deposition model for brine flow in porous media united with fresh water treatment model and economic model.

New numerical halite deposition model for brine flow in porous media is developed based on Darcy's law and equation of halite precipitation dynamics from formation water taking into account the fresh water treatments, solubility of descipitated halite in the fresh water and permeability profile. It enables to predict deposited halite saturation (Shalite), dynamic porosity and permeability radially and versus time. Thus, we can forecast PI versustime and unite production and economic models,vary fresh water treatment design, frequency andproduction regimes for the given geological conditions and to determine treatment design, frequency and production regimes that brings the maximum NPV.PI decline rates and exploitation factor are calculated and analyzed for different scenarios of the fresh water treatment design, frequency and production regimes.

These main conclusions are made from the results of the work:

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