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Proceedings Papers
European HSE Conference and Exhibition
April 16–18, 2013
London, United Kingdom
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Monitoring the Environmental Impact of Offshore E&P Discharges Through Innovative Techniques
Marie-Charlotte Alboussière; Benjamin Kampala; François Galgani; Sophie Canovas; Cédric Michel; Laurent Cazes
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Standardising HSE Training Through Delphi
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Characterization of Methane Emissions from Key Sources in the Natural Gas Production Sector
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Offshore Environmental Management: Monitoring Guidelines in Oil&Gas Activities
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
What Value Does HIA Offer to the O&G Sector in Europe?
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Marine and Coastal Sensitivity Mapping for Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Socio Economic Challenges of Shale Gas Developments in Europe
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Environmental Baseline Assessment of a Large Natural Area in Southern Italy
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Environmental Risk Analysis in Permitting Process of Oil & Gas Activities in Brazil
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Identification and Management of Environmentally Critical Elements (First Technical Guidance on ECE's)
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A New Guideline Document for Temporary Refuge Testing
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A Real-Time Discharge Modelling and Environmental Monitoring System for Drilling Operations
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Mercury Guideline for the Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A Universal Cultural Change Program to Connect With People Everywhere
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Solids Control Device Optimised For Proper Occupational Hygiene
Andreas Larsson; Harald Blikra; Magnus Florvaag; Jan Kristian Vasshus; Arne Malmin; Tore Grelland; Arne Stokknes; Arild Saasen
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
The Value Of Safety Indicators
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
The Competence Part of a High Integrity Process
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Ten Golden Rules For Developing Robust Bowties
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Putting the Person in Process Safety
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Changing in the Dark with Your Fingers Crossed: Safety Interventions Without Diagnosis and Evaluation
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A Recommended Fitness Standard for the Oil and Gas Industry
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Unintended Consequences of a Promising Safety Management Leading Indicator
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
The Governance Of Acceptability
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Journey to Zero: Aspiration Versus Reality
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Innovations in Sustainable Shale Gas Water Managment High Recovery Reverse Osmosis Case Study
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Sustainability Reporting And The Oil And Gas Industry - Challenges And Emerging Trends
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
The "Dream Charter" Project. Towards a Unified Approach for Evaluation and Reduction of Potential Environmental Impact Caused by Regular Discharges to Sea
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Pttep Health Risk Exposure Score, the HRA Improving Process
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Best practice in managing biodiversity and ecosystem service issues in any operating environment
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Demonstrating Adequate Management of Risks: The Move from Quantitative to Qualitative Risk Assessments
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Using Incident Data as Leading Indicators in the Assessment of Major Incident Risk within JV Operations.
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Defensive Driver Training (Does e-learning have a Roll to Play)
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
The Effect of Deluge Spray Systems on Large Scale Fires
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Non-Technical Skills and Crew Resource Management
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Improvement of Chemical Working Environment in Shaker Room with Enclosed Shaker Design and Optimized Ventilation Rates
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Smooth E&P Activities in a Remote Area Having Fragmented/hostile Communities Around - A Case Study Highlighting How an E&P Company Made it a Reality
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
25 Years of Operating Germany's Largest Oilfield Mittelplate: Applying the Experience to Exploratory Drilling in a National Park which is an UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Management Systems Approach to Managing Human Rights Issues
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry Project to Reduce the Number of Hydrocarbon Leaks with emphasis on Operational Barriers Improvement
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Updated Requirements to Area Based Cooperation in Emergency Response Reflecting 10 Years of Norwegian Success
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Modelling the Options for Managing Drill Cuttings Piles on Decommissioning
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Tele-Cardiology in Remote O&G Premises
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A Generic Model to Assess Major Incident Frequencies for Offshore Assets
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
BOP Reliability monitored Real Time
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
HSE Leadership Toolkit: a Valuable Approach to Improve Performances and Reduce Incidents
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Exemplary Environmental Impact Assessments as Tools to Optimize Operations and Assure Approvability - Experiences With Projects Around Germany's Largest Oilfield in a National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A Plant Simulator to Enhance the Process Safety of Industrial Operators
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Virtual Reality as Effective Tool for Training and Decision-Making: Preliminary Results of Experiments Performed with a Plant Simulator
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Leading from Within: Awakening Personal Commitment to Safety
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Beyond PSM: Integrating Culture and Leadership into Process Incident Prevention
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Developing Operational Procedures for Safe and Efficient Application of New Process Control Functionality on the Drilling Rig
F. P Iversen; B.. Daireaux; A.. Leulseged; R. G. Mihai; L. J. Gressgaard; R.. Bergerud; B. T. Bruun; M. K. Balov
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Mitigating Infectious Diseases in Company Workplaces through Business Partnerships
Malick Diara; Clarion Johnson; Richard Dockins; Deena Buford; Affiong Ben Edet; Susan Ngunjiri; Amanda Brown
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Infectious Disease Outbreak Management: An Effective Tool to Control Outbreaks in an LNG Construction Project in Papua New Guinea
Andry Nowosiwsky; Malick Diara; Richard Dockins; Nick Burke; Sonia Harmen; Susan Ngunjiri; Amanda Brown
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
A System Perspective on Organisational Learning
J. E. Tharaldsen; S.. Wiig; H. K. Østnes; G.. Ersdal; R. H. Hinderaker; S.. Knudsen; E.. Lootz; B. A. Hanson; G.. Dybvig; Ø.. Lauridsen
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
Lessons Learned Regarding Offshore Oilfield Applications and Hydraulic Fluids
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
An IPIECA Oil and Gas Framework for Water Stewardship
Paper presented at the European HSE Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, April 2013. doi:
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