Inspection and rationalization of the pressure-volume-temperature (PVT fluid properties must be the opening move in the study of any oilfield. PVT functions, which relate surface to reservoir volumes, are required in practically every aspect of reservoir engineering: calculating of hydrocarbon in place, pressure-depth regimes, recovery calculations and to assure correct design of surface facilities. This paper explains the synergy that can be achieved by integrating downhole and surface PVT data with formation tester measurements to reduce the petrophysical uncertainty in an early stage of field development.
Traditionally, the main responsibility of practicing Geoscientists and Petrophysicists in this matter was limited to the collection of valid fluid samples for transfer to the laboratory where the basic PVT experiments are performed. However, with advancing technology, now the Petrophysicist can get PVT information from Downhole and Rugged Wellsite Fluid Analysis Units, while evaluating the formations. Incorporating formation tester downhole fluid analysis information commonly used in Formation Evaluation services with Wellsite Fluid Analysis (WFA can reduce most unwanted long-term uncertainty at early stage of the field development. This is especially very critical for deep offshore field development such as in West Africa?s turbidity channel systems.
This study offers the new way ahead in the use of early PVT Data in the E&P business. By integrating this new information into our daily dealings with the Static and Dynamic models, a new era for petrophysical evaluation can begin where FE (Formation Evaluation, becomes simultaneous FFE (Formation and Fluid Evaluation.