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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0103
... upstream oil & gas herron reservoir characterization neural network concentration matrix property application water saturation neutron porosity saturation spectroscopy tool annual logging symposium logging symposium interpretation spwla-2022-0103 prediction hydrocarbon cross section...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0036
... and was also impacted by the electrical resistivity of formation water, with high water resistivity values causing a more significant SP suppression than more electrically conductive water for equal values of water saturation. We benchmark our results against a new method for quantification and interpretation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0002
.... The findings were consistent for different lithologies, sandstone and carbonate. When using m and n derived from the new approach to interpret resistivity data for water saturation of core plugs, the average uncertainty is improved from 13%, when MN is used, down to 4%, when m and n are used. Using...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0022
... formation or fluid parameter, comparable to Archie's simple water-saturation relationship. Both microscopic and macroscopic formation parameters contribute to dispersion: water-filled porosity, cation exchange capacity (CEC), conductive minerals, and formation factor. Past studies in research and in log...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0001
... Abstract Archie developed his model based upon trends observed in formation resistivity factor - porosity and resistivity index-water saturation plots. The trends appear when the data is plotted on log-log graph paper. The trends are apparently straight lines on log-log paper, which means...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0035
... Abstract A Staged Differential Effective Medium (SDEM) model based on the Hanai-Bruggeman equation is applied to interpret water saturation in shaly sands. In this model, the conductivity of the formation changes when different volumes of clays, oil, and quartz (inclusions) are successively...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17–20, 2021
Paper Number: SPWLA-2021-0105
... been proposed: Shen et al. (2017) imple- eters and their uncertainties. In this paper the demon- mented a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method, and Deng strate joint estimation of layer-by-layer water saturation, et al. (2019) proposed a Bayesian inference approach: porosity, and layer-boundary locations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17–20, 2021
Paper Number: SPWLA-2021-0118
... of the variable n were estimated, and the Although many studies have been done on n effect on the water saturation (Sw) calculations and the determination and its effect on Sw calculations, using Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place (STOIIP) in the average values over a whole field is still a common Tambaredjo (TAM...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17–20, 2021
Paper Number: SPWLA-2021-0074
...-2021-0074 laterolog conductivity horizontal resistivity water saturation anisotropy coefficient resistivity apparent resistivity SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17-20, 2021 DOI: 10.30632/SPWLA-2021-0074 RV/RH ANISOTROPY IN UNCONVENTIONAL FORMATIONS: RESOLVING THE RIDDLE...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17–20, 2021
Paper Number: SPWLA-2021-0052
... May 17-20, 2021. minimizing the difference between the measured resistivity and the resistivity, estimated from Pore ABSTRACT Combination Modeling. Conventional resistivity models often overestimate We applied the new rock physics model to two wells water saturation in organic-rich mudrocks...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17–20, 2021
Paper Number: SPWLA-2021-0078
.... The evaluation is now consolidated by using two new techniques relying on advanced spectroscopy logging and combination with dielectric dispersion logging. Their objective is to further reduce the uncertainty in water saturation associated with variable apparent water salinity. The present contribution proposes...

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