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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-079
... geology East of Newfoundland into three major units. The lowermost part of the succession consists of undifferentiated Late Precarnbnan metamorphic rocks. These are beheved to be an extension of the exposed Avalon Pemnsula in South East Newfoundland. Offshore indurated sedunentary deposits from...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-099
... and Quaternary deposits form a prograding wedge extending into the Faeroe-Shetland Basm with post-Eocene deposits accounting for the top c.200 m m thls area. The British Geological Survey (BGS) informal seismostrahgraphy is fully descnbed in the BGS regional offshore report (Re$] ) and on the "Foula" and "Judd...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-139
... of geophysical and geotechnical surveys to accurately describe the properties and spatial variation of soil deposits at the site. Although used worldwide, suction caissons had not been used in the Gulf of Mexico at the tune of the Marlin site geotechnical investigation (January 1996) and have so far (March 1998...

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