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Keywords: foundatzon behavzour
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-079
... taken at the following locahons : Offshore Szte lnvestlgatlon and Foundatzon Behavzour '98 O SUT 1998 Glory hole locahons Flowhe routes I Anchor pile locahons A total of 57 boreholes were performed to depths of between 2.3 and 45.0 metres below mudhne. The total durahon of the fieldwork, includmg all...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-237
... sut 1998 chow procedure roughness apparatus jardine bromhead behavrour london clay bishop interface test result bromhead apparatus upstream oil & gas shear apparatus default curve ring shear test result lehane foundatzon behavzour OfSshore Szte lnvestzgation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-259
... Offshore Slte lnvestrgatzon and Foundatzon Behavzour '98 O SUT 1998 conbnues as a senes of iterabve processes through all phases of the project untll the final report is submtted. A recent paper by Power, Orren and Stephens, (1997) descnbes the process of data integrahon in more detiul. Once a sol1 model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-515
... a hazard to fishermen and other legitmate users of the sea. Offshore Szte Investzgatzon and Foundatzon Behavzour '98 O SUT 1998 Cntena are needed to detemne what items need to be recovered from the seabed and what items may be left m place with confidence that they wdl not become a problem in the future...

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