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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-21
... profiles at the test site 3. Test Equipment and Testing Procedures 3.1 Steel sphere The custom-made mild steel sphere (Figure 3a,c) is 250mm in diameter and consists of two hemispheres that are bolted together with an internal vertically orientated cylindrical void, to accommodate instru- mentation...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-27
... pile-soil transfer ( p-y ) curves. Monotonic, as well as so-called cyclic, p-y curves are provided for both sands and clays. The cyclic p-y curve concept requires some attention. It was derived in the 1970s on the basis of pile tests performed on relatively small-diameter (123/4–24-inch) piles...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-33
... and the number of wind farms proposed to be constructed in the coming years. subsea system cyclically axially upstream oil & gas cyclic loading displacement formulation model pile load level diameter capacity degradation jardine experimental investigation interaction diagram axial...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-31
... loading pile element loading sequence cyclic loading diameter flandrian clay 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Cyclic axial and lateral loading on offshore, near- shore and onshore structures may be essentially of environmental (e.g. wave, wind) or industrial origin. Loading histories include a large...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-45
... The undrained shear strength was obtained by miniature vane test and fall-cone test, and was con- trolled by the amount of water content. The variation of the undrained shear strength with depth was ob- tained by using a T-bar penetrometer that was 10mm in diameter and 65mm in length, according to proce- dure...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-49
... Abstract The vast majority of offshore wind farms constructed to date are supported on monopile foundations. These monopiles consist of a large diameter (>4m) open-ended steel piles driven into the seabed to a specified penetration. While laterally loaded piles have been used for many years...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-50
...), which represents the current state of the art for design of monopiles in the offshore wind industry. The p-y curves for piles in sand were developed based on full-scale load tests on long, slender and flexible piles with a diameter of 0.61m (Reese et al., 1974). In addition, they have been widely...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-52
... 3 6m diameter steel mo- nopiles becoming commonplace. Pile driveability assesses the ability for a pile to be economically driven with an acceptably low risk of refusal and, ul- timately, to reach a desired penetration or capacity within a reasonable number of blows without over- stressing the steel...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-56
... Abstract Piles used for oil platform foundation in Bohai Gulf, China, are usually over 100m long and 2m in diameter. Such long piles have to be manufactured in segments before installation because of transformation and hoisting difficulties. The segments of the pile are assembled during...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-67
... attached to a large 10 20m diameter inverted conical footing, colloqui- ally known as spudcans . Unlike a fixed platform or gravity structure, a jack-up unit is mobile in nature. After completion of operations in one place (usually short term) it is mobilised to other sites, and so a single unit may visit...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-70
... (Figure 4) was modelled at a reduced scale of 1:20 and fabricated from mild steel. The 1:20 reduced scale infers a full-scale anchor (or fol- lower) length of 15m, although it is envisaged that smaller full-scale anchors would be sufficient for most applications. The follower length (Lf) and diameter...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-115
... of large diameter pipe models under fully submerged conditions. The test tank used was 5m long x 1.75m wide x 1.23m high. The test rig has a stroke length of 1.5m in the horizontal di- rection and 1m in the vertical direction. It consists of two actuators one vertical and one horizontal that can...
Proceedings Papers
Christophe Gaudin, Mark J. Cassidy, Tim Donovan, A. Grammatikopoulou, R.J. Jardine, N. Kovacevic, D.M. Potts, M.J.R. Hoyle, K.M. Hampson
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-285
...), as this offered the possibility of conducting multiple spudcan penetration tests with one sample. The ring channel of this machine has an outer di- ameter of 1.2m, an inner diameter of 0.8m and a channel height (sample width) of 0.3m. When testing at 250g, this size provides a full-scale testing area of 360m...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-303
... at the outset the ranges of pile sizes specified by offshore engineers. Piles with diameters of ~5m have been driven for offshore wind turbines. Smaller diam- eters of 3 to 4m have been specified for such structures in the North Sea, where piles with diameters of up to 2.5m have been driven routinely to depths...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-421
... of the cais- sons. Compared with open-end piles, suction caissons are generally larger in diameter, shorter in length and much thinner walled. Typical diameters range from 3 to 8m, with aspect ratios (embedded length divided by diameter) of 2 to 6, and ratios of diameter to wall thickness of 100 to 2001...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-441
... kaolinite deepwater sediment preparation size distribution particle organic matter content diameter Proceedings of the 6th International Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, 11 13 September 2007, London, UK 441 1. Introduction...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics 'Diversity and Sustainability'; Proceedings of an International Conference, November 26–28, 2002
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-02-093
... by ROV's providing high quality data. Sub seabed boulders have been difficult to identify, unless being very large (one to two metre in diameter), as the sediments consist of all grain sizes giving a chaotic reflection. Boulders at seabed have been identified down to sizes of 0.2 m diameter, and areas...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics 'Diversity and Sustainability'; Proceedings of an International Conference, November 26–28, 2002
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-02-307
... dominated the soil profile, considering an offset between the old and new foundation positions of approximately one-quarter of a footing diameter. Jardine et a1 (2001) showed that the problem could be treated analytically. This paper presents an updated version of the analysis in which the finite element...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics 'Diversity and Sustainability'; Proceedings of an International Conference, November 26–28, 2002
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-02-405
..., which was fust used for driven piles Finally, the expenmental dissipation results are compared with a modified version of the Bogard and Matlock's empirical hyperbolic equation for consolidation time, corrected for the diameter and wall thickness of the caisson. Key words: Suction caisson; centrifuge...