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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-06
...) without generat- ing significant permanent displacements provided the maximum load remained below 50% of the ulti- mate static capacity. Cyclic failure was manifested by (i) accumulating displacements and (ii) decreases in stiffness. Checks made to assess the effects of loading rate indicated increases...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-21
... orthogonal axes, as well as rates of rotation about those three axes. The data were used to calculate velocities and displacements of the sphere during free fall in water and embedment in soil. Reasonable agreement was obtained between the measured velocity profiles and ve- locity profiles predicted using...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-27
... ABSTRACT Centrifuge tests were performed to investigate the cyclic response of piles in soft clay under lateral loads. Typical data are presented and discussed. The accumulation of pile-head displacements and maximum bending moments with number of cycles in particular are examined. Power law...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-33
... and the number of wind farms proposed to be constructed in the coming years. subsea system cyclically axially upstream oil & gas cyclic loading displacement formulation model pile load level diameter capacity degradation jardine experimental investigation interaction diagram axial...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-31
... on the ultimate axial capacity; (ii) the number of load cycles of a given load that the pile can sustain before cyclic failure; and (iii) the evolution of displacements of the pile head during cyclic loading (pile stiffness). In the building and civil engineering domain, the effects of cyclic loading...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-34
... acceleration, or g- level. The tests were carried out at the IFSTTAR geotechnical centrifuge facility under a g-level of 23. Table 1: Scaling factors Parameter Scaling Factor Length and displacement ?* = 1/N Density ?* = 1 Acceleration g* = N Stress ?* = 1 Force F* = 1/N2 2.1 Model pile design The model piles...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-37
... section with 1:2 slope inclination 352 fore, only the trend of slope flattening due to the in- duced bottom pressure can be discussed, if slope failure does not occur during the first waves. The displacement is directed towards the foundation pit with a maximum displacement at the slope s base...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-39
... has been displaced far enough to mobi- lise a steady level of sliding resistance. The assess- ment of this single parameter can be very challenging. Prediction of the full cyclic load-displacement re- sponse (analogous to the t-z response for piles) has not yet been researched in detail and is often...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-41
... embedment ratio displacement rock-berm slope simulation rock berm 1. Introduction Rock-dumping a pipeline on the seabed is often un- dertaken to provide resistance against lateral buck- ling of the pipeline. As such, it is essential to have an understanding of the lateral resistance provided...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-43
... and sustained uplift. The results are promising, showing for example that uplift loads of 40% of the peak undrained capacity were maintained for up to two years without significant foundation displacement when an intact foundation-soil interface was maintained. However, they also reveal that the presence...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-44
... guidance nor experimental data existed at the time to assist in their design. hybrid foundation centrifuge displacement torsion ultimate capacity centroid loading stage mat foundation upstream oil & gas contribution hybrid subsea foundation ult foundation subsea system criterion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-45
... of temperature can subject the pipelines to buckling and excessive lateral displacement. The pipeline laying installation is not a guarantee of their penetration embedment and, consequently, their stability. The problem of untrenched pipelines has been studied and reported in literature (Murf et al., 1989...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-49
... displacement sustainable development friction angle upstream oil & gas monopile stiffness ireland foundation 1. Introduction There has been a significant drive to develop off- shore wind energy resources in the last 20 years. To date, most offshore wind turbines (>75%) have been constructed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-52
... of the axial capacity of open-ended piles in sand. Methods, such as the Imperial College Pile (ICP) and the University of Western Australia (UWA-05), estimate the medium-term capacity of piles at relatively large displacements (typically 10% of the pile diameter). To use these approaches in pile driveability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-55
... displacement than that of single piles for the same given load per pile. The lateral resistance is expected to increase when using batter piles instead of vertical piles because of the effect of pile inclination. Part of the applied lateral load will be transferred to axial loads on batter piles. In addition...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-59
... instability, exacerbated in the past by excess pore pressures generated by relatively rapid sediment accumulation. Earthquake-induced slope displacements calculated using the Newmark method were mapped to a pseudostatic safety factor to facilitate area-wide characterisation of slope failure probability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-63
... particles (Figure 1b). Hence the assessments need to be conducted firstly to identify the stability of slopes during shaking and then to assess the expected run-out. slope stability assessment earthquake assessment displacement stability submarine slope stability offshore pipeline submarine...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-057
.... Then the z displacements were obtained by a double integration versus time of the measured acceleration. The analyses of results allowed the authors to estimate the amplitude and the duration of the elastic recoil of the aramid cable, andto distinguish four steps during the 4 seconds of penetration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-103
... vertical movement. The mesh was tested prior to introducing the casing to the model and prior to applying the cement. This exercise was deemed essential to ensure the stress and displacements pro- duced were comparable to those predicted by the Lame ana- lytical solution. After introducing the casing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Confronting New Challenges and Sharing Knowledge, September 11–13, 2007
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-07-125
... of pipeline loading, pipeline displacement and on the relative roughness of the pipe-soil interface which is normally addressed by an interface friction factor. The former relates to the understanding that the soil response can be bounded by drained and undrained conditions. A method is described which allows...

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