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Keywords: controls and umbilicals
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Conference, June 2–3, 2010
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-10-115
... factory floor expertise software automation reliability subsea system sensor maintenance operation upstream oil & gas measurement and control control system subsea control system functionality scada controls and umbilicals seafloor visibility hardware future steven cohan...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Conference, June 2–3, 2010
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-10-15
... subsea system availability operation condition monitoring controls and umbilicals undesired event artificial intelligence transmission risk management system performance assessment daniel abicht educational software operating dc scada upstream oil & gas measurement and control...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Conference, June 2–3, 2010
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-10-31
... field failure controls and umbilicals control vendor 31 Abstract Subsea control systems are becoming more complex. As they are moving into even deeper water, using more complex equipment and collecting more data, the demands on their performance are increasing. This has resulted in the need...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Conference, June 2–3, 2010
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-10-83
...) there is no control umbilical running to the seabed. Shell identified Nautronix' Acoustic Digital Spread Spectrum (ADS2) signalling as the most advanced and robust available in the market for this critical application. Subsequent to this, Nautronix worked closely with Shell and Cameron, the provider of the subsea...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Conference, June 2–3, 2010
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-10-89
... within the same acoustic spectrum than is possible using conventional tone based acoustic signals. tone signal bandwidth frequency waveform controls and umbilicals replica application wideband signal subsea system interference transponder positioning system acoustic signal surface...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2006: Controlling the Future Subsea, June 7–8, 2006
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-06-005
.... SCADAbook3.indd 16 04/05/2006 11:52:37 converter saul bp exploration roh restriction proactive obsolescence management application controls and umbilicals obsolescence management upstream oil & gas supplier lifetime buy hazardous substance supply chain electronics emulation substance...
Proceedings Papers
P.D. Alexander, B.A. Anson, K.D. Evans, I.K. McEwan, N.J. Ryan, T.F. Stebbings, C.J. Lindsey-Curran, P. Griffiths, M. McKay
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2006: Controlling the Future Subsea, June 7–8, 2006
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-06-057
... transient testing upstream oil & gas steady state change steel tube pressure transient analysis reservoir surveillance production monitoring infrastructure travel location method platelet seal leak site production control transducer umbilical line umbilical accuracy controls...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2006: Controlling the Future Subsea, June 7–8, 2006
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-06-099
... by the controls umbilical. Onward distribution of MEG, Service and Scale Inhibitor lines is via the infield controls umbilicals connecting between CDU1 and the Snøhvit/Albatross templates and via an intra-field umbilical in the case of onward supply to the future second CDU. In the case of MEG, a choke controlled...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2006: Controlling the Future Subsea, June 7–8, 2006
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-06-125
..., can be employed to assess any umbilical design which, in addition to stress and strain analysis, provides a number of additional analysis possibilities: loading multi-axis finite element analysis subsea system fea model controls and umbilicals institut français du pétrole von mise stress...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2006: Controlling the Future Subsea, June 7–8, 2006
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-06-150
... to the SSBI for separation and injection of the bulk water. The resulting production is routed back to Gullfaks C. The subsea control system will include a dedicated SCM at the SSBI. New control umbilical and HV power umbilical (for the pumps) will be installed from Gullfaks C and terminated on the SSBI...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2006: Controlling the Future Subsea, June 7–8, 2006
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-06-159
... mapping work constriction data rate controls and umbilicals data generation scan time upstream oil & gas interface instrument vendor subsea production equipment control system vendor control vendor future program subsea system diagnostic data data source diagnostic...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2002, June 13–14, 2002
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-02-029
... - IF THlS IS THE CASE - BONDED POLYMER OVERSHEATH IS PREFERRED SOLUTION controls and umbilicals appl cat duplex measurement and control wall theory scada 2002 bundle hose steel tube umbilical carbon steel nater al subsea system wall thickness polymer oversheath upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2002, June 13–14, 2002
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-02-055
... system knowledge management valve requ red wh ch pfd secondary controller controller co nponent upstream oil & gas pel ne scada scada 2002 barr controls and umbilicals measurement and control fa lure cally equ pment subsea system kvaerner ozljield product ltd prov test ng hipp...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition 2002, June 13–14, 2002
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-02-173
... sequence operator valve upstream oil & gas dead head otter development subsea system dcs measurement and control prov scada 2002 intake pressure tr gger devrlle controls and umbilicals otter field esp wng valve control system scada platfonn enhanced esp protection 2002...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-119
... PARIS La Defense Cedex Phllippe Dubourdeu, DCN Cherbourg, BP10, Cherbourg ABSTRACT A novel autonomous power and control system (APAC) is bemg developed by Total The system is designed to replace the control umbilical on subsea producmg wells The system compnses 2 thermo-electnc generators (THEGS) whch...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-137
... Any sphce losses mcurred m the fabncahon of an umbhcal are mcluded m the umbilical manufacturers "as tested loss per Km figures modem control system fibre opbc controls and umbilicals interface conductor module fibre connector subsea fibre optic communication sensihvity data acquisition...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-153
... controls and umbilicals voltage level consumer subsea control frequency converter upstream oil & gas subsea processing subsea frequency converter distnbution system step-down transformer monitonng voltage connector control system module power distnbution system local...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-207
... to Hidra centre by use of an 8" production line, a 4" gas lift line and a control umbilical In order to allow for a simple installahon of the second phase, a produchon and a gas lift manifolds are Installed within this phase 1.2. General organization (figure 1 ) Figure 1 represents the organization...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-001
... consumption operator requirement upstream oil & gas keynote address data acquisition long term view subsea development expenenced people deepwater development subsea system controls and umbilicals operation INTRODUCTION "If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which gram...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-007
... module connector control module sut 1998 jumper arrangement subsea control deepwater development subsea system fpso floating production system subsea control module controls and umbilicals upstream oil & gas data acquisition deepwater solution vertical connection system...