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Keywords: fracture aperture
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, November 16–18, 2021
Paper Number: URTEC-208314-MS
... propagation fracture aperture reservoir characterization hydraulic fracturing upstream oil & gas displacement boundary condition finite element method low-conductivity fracture pedfm transmissibility deformation simulation domain analytical solution matrix cell vector fracture URTEC...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, November 18–19, 2019
Paper Number: URTEC-198302-MS
...] used the molecular collision frequency as the weighting coefficient to establish a gas transport model for microfractures with coupling slip flow and Knudsen diffusion. However, the fracture aperture variation during depressurization is neglected in their model. As we all know, AP is the resultant...

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