
The goal of this work is to build a state-of-the-art subsurface model of an industry technology test site that aims at making production from Bazhenov shale commercial. The basis for building an integrated static model was the results of geophysical studies, petrophysical and petroelastic modeling, analysis of PVT-properties of formation fluids, results of microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing and other data. The results of processing and interpretation of new geophysical data were used – 3D wide-azimuth seismic and CSEM electrical exploration. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the results of special core studies and an extended logging complex, a volumetric fluid-mineral model was built, which makes it possible to obtain volume fractions of minerals, total, effective and dynamic porosity, volumes of light and heavy hydrocarbons, kerogen and bound water, as well as weight fraction of organic carbon. As a result of this cross-disciplinary study a highly detailed integrated static model of an unconventional hydrocarbon system was created via combination of three separate models: geological, geomechanical and model of hydrocarbon system. With this new approach, which for the first time also takes into account geomechanical parameters, it is possible to assess the volume and quality of the reservoir resource base, its geomechanical properties and its ability to form an extensive system of fractures during hydraulic fracturing, and also give a quantitative prediction of reservoir fluid properties, including its viscosity, gas content, as well as the volume of free and sorbed hydrocarbons. As a result of the work, a new workflow was developed and tested to identify promising zones of the Bazhenov formation using the integrated static model tool. It was shown that the use of averaged properties in the area of the stimulated volume of the studied formation from the integrated static model is appropriate for obtaining estimates at the well level, which is extremely important for constructing further correlations between reservoir properties, stimulation technology parameters, and well production rates.

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