The primary objective of this work is to present a new DCA model adapted from the classic Lognormal Cumulative Distribution Function (LCDF) (NIST [2012], Wikipedia [2023]), where the base result is given by:
The proposed LCDF-DCA model was proposed by the first author of this work by subtracting the LCDF relation from unity (1), and then multiplying by a maximum scale value (i.e., the qi,LCDF parameter), this yields:
Or in its more compact form: [using erfc(x) instead of erf(x)]
qi,LCDF = Initial rate (Vol/D)
erf = Error function (Abramowitz and Stegun [1972]) (dimensionless)
erfc = Complimentary error function (Abramowitz and Stegun [1972]) (dimensionless)
μLCDF = Model parameter (μ = median LCDF parameter relation) (ln[t])
σLCDF = Model parameter (σ = standard deviation for LCDF parameter relation) (dimensionless)
The simplicity (and robustness) of the qLCDF(t) model suggests that this could be a very effective DCA model, which could serve as a compliment or a supplement to the existing family of "distribution function" DCA models (i.e., the stretched exponential/power-law exponential model, the Logistical Growth Model, and the Weibull model).
As a methodology, the "qDbQ" plot is used to compare and contrast behavior between various model and data functions. The qDbQ plot is a log-log plot with rate [q(t)] and cumulative [Q(t)] plotted on the left-hand scale and the decline parameter [D(t)] and the decline exponent [b(t)] are plotted on the right-hand axis. The model rate function [q(t)] is the basis function, and all of the other functions are computed from q(t) — the D(t) and b(t) functions are computed using analytical relations derived from the qLCDF(t) model (and validated using high-precision numerical calculations). Unfortunately, the form of the qLCDF(t) model cannot be integrated analytically, and we are left only with numerical integration — but again, this is performed with high-precision methods (as were the derivatives required for the numerical validations of the D(t) and b(t) functions). In short, we are highly confident of our ability to compute the qLCDF(t) model and its auxiliary model functions (i.e., the Q(t), D(t), and b(t) functions). In addition to the qDbQ functions, we also use the q’, qavg, and qavg′ functions on the qDbQ plots for the LCDF-only matches.
In terms of applications, of testing/applying the new qLCDF(t) model, we provide 13 example cases — 1 tight gas case (East Texas), 1 Wolfcamp (TX) oil well case, 1 Appalachian gas well case, 3 Eagle Ford (TX) oil well cases, 5 cases from the SPE Data Repository (these are anonymous data donations for shale gas and shale oil wells), and 2 historical test cases from the petroleum literature. For all cases, the Lognormal Cumulative Distribution Function (LCDF), the Modified-Hyperbolic (MH), and the Power-Law Exponential (PLE) DCA models were successfully applied using the qDbQ (log-log) plot approach. The LCDF model generally lies "between" the MH and PLE models in terms of its comparative performance in a visual sense — however; for several cases the LCDF model yielded superior matches for the D(t) and b(t) parameter function trends [as well as for q(t) and Q(t)], indicating that the form of the LCDF relation may be advantageous in general applications for forecasting and estimation of EUR for shale wells.