
The goal of this project was to build a predictive tool to inform future developments and ultimately increase asset value. This work adopted an integrated workflow, leveraging Chevron subsurface characterization knowledge, reservoir and fracture modeling workflows and technologies to optimize well spacing, landing and completion design in a multi-bench pad development in the DJ basin.

Reservoir characterization workflows including petrophysical, geomechanical properties and a discrete natural fracture network (DFN) were fundamental steps to build the calibrated, multi-layer earth model in the area of interest and provided the framework for the 3-D multi-stage frac model simulation.

To obtain a satisfactory fracture and reservoir model, hundreds of sensitivities were run with open discussions between geoscientists and engineers to test various input properties with the objective to honor field observations and history match production data.

Then multi-well sensitivities were run with various target landing combinations in Niobrara C, Niobrara B and Codell formations, varying well spacing from 880 ft spacing to 220ft and completion sizes from smaller 600 gal/ft – 800 lb/ft completion to bigger 3,200 gal/ft – 2,400 lb/ft completion size.

The predicted production forecasts from the simulation models were sent to the asset team to run economics, predicting well and section economic metrics to optimize development at various commodity prices in the DJ basin.


This paper will first give an overview of the DJ basin and of the subsurface properties of the area of interest. After presenting the 3D earth modeling workflow, we will show the single well hydraulic fracture modeling exercise before covering the multi-well fracture model and production history matching. Based on this calibrated multi-well model, we will explore various development scenario sensitivities, forecasts, and economics, varying both well spacing, target landing and completion size. Last, we will provide some of our insights, recommendations, and path forward.

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