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Keywords: shale reservoir
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 17–19, 2024
Paper Number: URTEC-4035176-MS
...URTeC: 4035176 Permeability Variation During CO2 Pre-Fracturing in Shale Reservoir: A Case Study of Junggar Basin Weiyu Tang*1, Fujian Zhou1, longqiao Hu1, Guopeng Huang1, Lizhe Li1, 1. China University of Petroleum-Beijing. Copyright 2024, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) DOI...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 13–15, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-3871503-MS
... sedimentary rock unconventional play geologist geology complex reservoir mineral china government shale gas play clastic rock mudstone reservoir ch 4 asia government rock type co 2 sichuan basin sequestration shale reservoir recovery storage mechanism upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 13–15, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-3860713-MS
... sedimentary rock structural geology upstream oil & gas geologist mudrock sequential extraction concentration complex reservoir shale oil geological subdiscipline songliao basin movability shale reservoir united states government rock type mudstone correlation eom-a shale oil movability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 13–15, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-3866019-MS
... economics geology mudrock petroleum play type geological subdiscipline austin chalk us shale play constrained exhibition shale gas characterization gor payzone shale reservoir production sweet spot permian wolfcamp URTeC: 3866019 Production Sweet Spots of Eight US Shale Plays Constrained...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 13–15, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-3864421-MS
...URTeC: 3864421 Machine Learning Based Stereoscopic Triple Sweet Spot Evaluation Method for Shale Reservoirs Yuxuan Deng1, Wendong Wang*1, Xianfei Du2, Yuliang Su1, Shibo Sun1, Yan Zhang3, Jiancheng Teng4 1. China University of Petroleum (East China), 2. Petrochina Changqing Oilfield oil and gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 13–15, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-3863461-MS
... play mudrock reservoir geomechanics communication permeability enhancement shale reservoir petroleum play type energy economics parent-child well interaction depletion simulation interpretation calibration drainage unconventional resource technology conference lithofacies URTeC...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 20–22, 2022
Paper Number: URTEC-3722179-MS
... with unconventional reservoirs is forecasting future production. Traditional curve-fit-based methods such as the popular empirical technique developed by Arps (1945) cannot generally provide an accurate long term production forecast because of the following assumptions, which are not satisfied by shale reservoirs...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 26–28, 2021
Paper Number: URTEC-2021-5406-MS
... unconventional resource economics shale reservoir operation kang fracture URTeC: 5406 Discovery Science of Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Fundamentals Mohamed Mehana*1, Javier E. Santos1,2, Chelsea Neil1, Matthew R. Sweeney1, Jeffery Hyman1, Satish Karra1, Hongwu Xu1, Qinjun Kang1, James William Carey1...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-3158-MS
... Abstract Techniques such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have helped in exploitation of unconventional shale reservoirs. However, a drawback of hydraulic fracturing is that it results in forced imbibition of frac-water into the pore system of the organic shale matrix. This can...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-3117-MS
... investigation of the impact of capillary forces on total porosity measurements in unconventional shale reservoir samples. For the purpose of this study, 7 samples were collected from an oil producing unconventional shale reservoir located in the Permian Basin. These samples were characterized by measurements...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-3096-MS
... Abstract Water imbibition is an important process influencing early oil production after hydraulic fracturing of shale reservoirs. A major fraction of the injected fracturing fluid remains in the formation; however, where the unrecovered fracturing fluid resides and how it displaces the oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-3229-MS
... Abstract The phase behavior in liquids rich shale reservoirs continues to be an area of investigation in the industry. In conventional reservoirs with permeabilities on the order of millidarcies, production data transition to bubble point occurs differently than what is observed in liquids rich...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-1074-MS
...) initiative. This research focuses on the carbon storage aspect of the CCUS. The research introduces the main mechanisms by which CO 2 is injected into oil and gas reservoirs, and how the CO 2 can be stored in the unconventional shale reservoirs. The main mechanism of storage, adsorption, is explained...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-3002-MS
... saturation information porosity hydrocarbon well logging complex reservoir pvt measurement pore system rock analysis workflow log analysis shale gas oil shale shale reservoir urtec 3002 plug core sample water production interpretation water loss wettability core plug core data URTeC...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, July 20–22, 2020
Paper Number: URTEC-2020-3135-MS
... and compared. In addition, the phase behavior calculation results are coupled with the reservoir simulator to evaluate the nanopore confinement effect on the production performance in the Bakken shale reservoir. Results in nanopores show that the bubble point pressure is depressed due to the confinement effect...

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