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Geological Aspects of Abnormal Reservoir Pressures in the Gulf Coast Region of Louisiana, U.S.A
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Distribution of Oil Fields in the Western Part of the United States
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Oil and Gas Development in Alberta
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Folded Appalachians
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Fundamental Geological Characteristics of the Venezuelan Oil Basins
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Cretaceous Limestone Producing Areas of the Mara and Maracaibo District–Venezuela, Geology
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Geological Significance of the Distribution of the Mexican Oil Fields
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Tectonic Framework of the Far East and its Influence on the Origin and Accumulation of Petroleum
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Observations on the Geology and Petroleum Occurrences in the Middle East
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Stratigraphical Exploration Surveys in South-West Persia
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Agha Jari Oilfield, South-West Persia
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
On the Oil Possibilities of Turkey with Special Reference to the Raman Field
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Pétrole, gaz naturels et asphaltes du Géosynclinal Adriatique
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Le gaz et le pétrole dans la Plaine du Po
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les possibilités pétrolifères de la Sicile et de la Zone Adriatique de la Maiella (Apennin Central) dans le cadre de la tectonique générale de l’Italie
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Principal Characteristics and Results of the Gravimetric Sursevs made in Italy for Oil and Gas Exploration
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Three Gas-bearing Fields in the Po-Vallev (North-Italy)
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Italian Natural Gas Analysis
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Economic and Financial Problems of Italian Hydrocarbons, III–Productive Possibilities, Requirements and Consumptions of Natural Gases
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La géologie de l’Aquitaine et ses possibilités pétrolifères
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Un gisement dans les schistes fracturés du socle l’Oued Beth (Maroc Français)
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Jurassic Troughs and Oil Deposits in Northwest Germany
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Genesis of Oil Deposits in the Emsland Area (Germany) and their Phases of Development
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Relationships between Crude Oil Composition and Stratigraphy in the Forest Reserve Field of South West Trinidad
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Italian Crude Oils Analvses
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Relations entre la nature chimique des indices d’hydrocarbures et le milieu géologique dans un bassin sédimentaire Le Bassin de Manosque-Forcalquier
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
On Conditions Favouring the Preservation of Chlorophyll in Marine Sediments
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Contributions of Bacteria to the Origin of Oil
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Radioactivity and the Origin of Petroleum
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Facies Shift and Isochronous Correlation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Correlations stratigraphiques par microfaciès en Aquitaine Occidentale
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Méthode d’étude et d’interprétation calcaire prédominante
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Correlation, Age Determination, and the Tertiary Pelagic Foraminifera
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
On Some Paleocene and Eocene Larger Foraminifera of Western Venezuela
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Microfaunes du Crétacé supérieur et du Paléocène, leur utilisation en Afrique Equatoriale Française
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Precision of Travel-Time Curves in the Seismic Method of Geophysical Surveying
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Form and Laws of Propagation of Seismic Wavelets
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Laboratory Studies of Transient Elastic Waves
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Seismic Surveys over Asymmetrical Structures in S. W. Persia
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Applied Geophysics in West Germany during the Last Five Years
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les réflections à l’intérieur des dômes de sel et leur importance pour les recherches de pétrole
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Une modalité d’application et d’interprétation de la méthode sismique
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Isogram Maps of Caribbean Sea and Surroundings and of Southeast Asia
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Graphical Evaluation of the Anomalies of Gravity and of the Magnetic Field, Caused by Three-dimensional Bodies
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Dix ans d’application de la méthode tellurique
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Interprétation quantitative des mesures en prospection par courants telluriques
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Internal Hydrostatic Pressure Testing as a Measure of the Performance Values of Oil Well Casing and Tubing
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
L’épreuve de traction des tiges de forage
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Une nouvelle méthode de coupe intérieure des tires de forages
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Prélèvement de carottes latérales orientées
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Drillability Classification of Geological Formation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Standards for Casing Centralizer Tests
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Concerning the Problem of Sensitivity in the Power Control of Drilling Outfits with Hydraulic Torque Converters
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Latest Developments and Achievements of Directional Drilling in the Exploitation of Oil fields
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Status of the Drill as an Exploration Tool
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les ciments de laitier au clinker à prise retardée et leur comportement dans les conditions des sondages profonds
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Diesel Electric Drilling
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Well Cementation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Meeting the Problem of Sub-Surface Formation Slippage in the Drilling and Production of Oil Wells
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Drilling and Producing Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La dynamique du train dc forage
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Communication sur les derniers perfectionnements apportés à la technique de la perforation des sondages par l’emploi des charges creuses
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Considérations sur l’interchangeabilité des filetages coniques d’après le système de calibrage de l’American Petroleum Institute
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Study of the Relative Applicability of Retrievable- and Retainer-Type Production Packers to Specific Oil Well Problems
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
An introduction to the Hydraulic Long Stroke Pumping Unit for Pumping Problem
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Field Processing of Oil and Gas
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Communication sur la rhéologie des boues de forage
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Effect of Particle Size on the Physical Properties of a Gulf Coast Drilling Mud
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Oil Base Drilling Fluids
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Drilling Emulsion
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Emulsion Drilling Fluids
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Theoretical Considerations Involved in the Determination of Petroleum Reservoir Parameters from Electric Log Data
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Electrical Logging in Limestone Fields
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Quantitative Interpretation of Radioactivity Logs
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Theoretical Considerations of Multiphase Flow in Idealized Capillary Systems
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Some Problems of Relative Permeability Measurement
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Détermination de la perméabilité des roches à partir de la pression de déplacement d’un fluide homogène par un autre
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Directional Permeability Trends in Oil Sands
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Application of Surface Observations to the Study of Underground Conditions in Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Compte-rendu de quelques études originales faites sur le gisement de Soultz sous Forêts (Bas-Rhins)
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Pressure Build-up in Wells
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Apparent and Actual Minimum Connate Water Content of Oil Reservoir Rocks
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Exploitation of Oil-Fields of Extremely High Oil-Viscosity by Wells, under the Application of Thermal Energy
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Laboratory Experiments on the Displacement of Oil by Water from Packs of Granular Material
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Application of Numerical Methods to Cycling and Flooding Problems
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Oil Recovery by Fluid Injection
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Secondary Recovery of Oil in California
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Information on Hydrafac Process
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Solvent Washing of Wells in the Digboi Oil Field, Assam
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Crude Oil Dehydration: A Universal Size Frequency Distribution Law for Emulsion Particles
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Poza Rica Field
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Cretaceous Limestone Producing Areas of the Mara and Maracaibo Districts, Venezuela. Reservoir and Production Engineering
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Techniques in the Kirkuk Oilfield
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Discussion of Petroleum Engineering Problems in the Burgan Fields, Kuwait
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
L’exploitation du gisement du gaz naturel de Saint-Marcet
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Correlating Physical and Thermodynamic Properties Used in Petroleum Technology
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Contribution to the Problem of Estimation and Interpolation of Vapor Pressure Data of Homologous Compounds
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Equilibrium Flash Vaporization of Petroleum Crudes or Fractions
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Vapor-Liquid Equilibria and Distillation Problems, Binary and Ternary Mixtures
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Extraction et purification des hydrocarbures aromatiques par distillation azéotropiquee
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Variable Reflux in Multicomponent Distillation Calculations
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Extractive Distillation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Use of Extraction Processes in the Manufacture of Lubricating Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A New Efficient Extraction Apparatus: the Rotating Disc Contactor
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Furfural Extraction of Middle Distillates
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Hydrogen Fluoride Extraction of Sulfur Compounds and High Sulfur Petroleum Stocks
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Report on a New Dewaxing Agent (Precipitator/Solvent Couple)
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Complexes of Urea and n-Paraffins–Structure, Properties and Application in Extractive Crystallization
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Adsorption–A Review of Recent Process Trends
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Hypersorption Process for Gas Fractionation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide in Liquid Phase
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Mechanism Studies on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Study of the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Using, Fluidised Iron Catalysts
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
U.S. Bureau of Mines Fischer-Tropsch Pilot-Plant Studies of Oil-Circulation Processes
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Etude physico-chimique des opérations qui conduisent à l’obtention d’un type de catalyseur fer-cuivre actif à basse température et reproductible
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
High-Pressure Hydrogenation as Applied in the Processing of Crude Oils in Germany
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Progress in the Hydrogenation of Petroleum Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Catalysis in Liquid-Phase Coal Hydrogenation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Alumina-Silica Cracking Catalyst–Influence of Aluminum Content on Activity
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Catalytic Cracking of High Nitrogen Charge stock
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Catalytic Cracking of Pure Compounds and Petroleum Fractions
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Contribution of the Houdrv Catalytic Cracking Processes to Petroleum Refining
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Catalytic Cracking and Reforming Processes for Increasing the Yield and Octane Number of Gasoline
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Factors Affecting Octane Numbers of Catalytically Cracked Gasolines
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Operating Variables and Reactions in Suspensoid Cracking
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Préparation de produits à haute teneur en oléfines à partir du pétrole
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
An Improved Process for Polymerization of Olefins with Phosphoric Acid on Quartz Catalyst
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Polymerisation with Solid Phosphoric Acid Catalyst
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Fluid Hydroforming
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Platforming–Reactions of Pure Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Préparation sémi-industrielle d’essences d’aviation aromatiques
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Aromatisation catalytique des hydrocarbures paraffiniques
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Gasoline Sweetening Operations, Palembang Refinery
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Improvement of Gasolines from Middle East Crude by Catalytic Treating Bauxite
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Desulfurization of Low Boiling Distillates with Fluid Cracking Catalysts
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Desulphurization of Gas Oils by Hydrogenation and by Fxtraction–Some Aspects of their Sulphur Type Analysis
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Selective Hydrogenation of Sulphur Compounds from Highly Unsaturated Cracked Gasolinee
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Modern Petroleum Processes
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Use of Olefins from Petroleum in the Synthesis of Organic Acids and their Derivatives
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Oxo Process–Research, Development and Product Application
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A New Chemical Industry Based on Allyl Chloride
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La chloration dans la valorisation des hydrocarbures
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Pyrolyse de l’oxyde d’éthène – Déshydrogénation en cétène
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Thiophene from Hydrocarbons and Hydrogen Sulfide
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Etude comparative du comportement des alcools et thiols en catalyse hétérogène
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les facteurs cinétiques dans la conduite rationnelle des réactions catalytiques
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Petroleum Fuels in Jet and Rocket Propulsion
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Synthetic Detergents from Petroleum
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Detergents from Petroleum–Production and Properties
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Production of Detergents from Petroleum
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Surface-Active Agents from Petroleum–History and Statistics
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Properties and Applications of Petroleum Derived Synthetic Detergents
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Utilisation chimique du gaz naturel
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Oil Carbon Blacks in Rubber Compounding
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Composition and Utilisation of Polycyclic Aromatics from High Temperature Cracking
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Properties and Applications of Solvents Synthesized from Petroleum Raw Materials
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Petroleum in Wood Preservation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Use of Petroleum Oils as Herbicides in Great Britain
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Toxicity of Herbicidal Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Use of Petroleum Oil Fractions as Insecticides for Citrus in California
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Analysis, Purification, and Properties of Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Isomérie des constituants des pétroles
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Researches on the Constitution of Petroleum Fractions beyond the Gasoline Range
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Méthode de dosage des carbures paraffiniques et des naphtènes dans les fractions de pétrole distillant entre 175° et 300° C – Séparation des carbures paraffiniques en n-paraffiniques et isoparaffiniques
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Etude de la composition de fractions d’un pétrole brut d’Aramco
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Analytical Hydrogenation of Petroleum Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Spectrometric Methods of Petroleum Analysis
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Analytical Mass Spectrometry in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Analyse par spectrométrie infra-rouge des gaz de raffinerie
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Séparation et identification chimique des constituants des résidus et des bitumes
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Researches on the Constitution of Natural Asphalts
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Etude des propriétés physico-chimiques des bitumes
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Compilation of Data on the Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Hydrocarbon Research Group of the Institute of Petroleum. Its Development and Functions
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Synthesis, Purification and Properties of Hydrocarbons of Low Molecular Weight
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
étude des paraffines solides par les méthodes physiques
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Viscosity of Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Retractivity Intercept and Refractivity Quotient of Series of Homologous Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Composition of United States and Sonic Foreign Crude Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Properties of Venezuelan Crude Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Classification and Evaluation of Crude Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Le brut du Moyen Orient type Aramco
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
étude des fractions lubrifiantes des bruts du Moyen Orient
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Pipe still de laboratoire
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Significance of Standard Methods of Test in Engines and Rigs
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Summary of Naca Research on Antiknock Characteristics of Hydrocarbons and Ethers
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Method for Estimating Cetane Number
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Contribution à l’étude des produits d’altération d’une huile de graissage. Mise, au point d’un appareillage approprié
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Contribution to the Investigation of Oils for Carburation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Sonic Developments in the Determination of Small impurities and Minor Constituents in Hydrocarbon Gases
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Composés sulfurés du propane ; Analyse – Epuration
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Catalytic Removal of Oxygen from Sour Cracked Cases
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Economics of Instrumentation in Petroleum Refining
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Some Aspects of Cascade and Multi-Element Control Systems
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Some New Measurement and Control Devices
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Technique–Instrumentation of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Problems of Hydrocarbon Combustion
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Travaux du laboratoire de recherches de L’Institut Français du Pétrole sur la combustion
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Etude générale et représentation des analyses de produits de combustion
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Application of Natural Gas and Liquid Gas in Western Europe
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Stability and Compatibility of Fuel Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Utilisation des combustibles visqueux à l’aide de brûleurs de faible puissance
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Aircraft Turbine Engine Fuel Requirements
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Gas Turbine and its Fuels
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Sulphur and Ash in Fuel Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Utilisation des combustibles lourds – L’emploi des générateurs à pistons libres en traction ferroviaire
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Progress toward More Efficient Automobile Engines
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Advances in the Utilization of Tetraethyllead
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Lead Precipitation in Aviation Ftiels
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Anti-Knock Agents and Fuel Additives
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Nouvelle méthode de laboratoire pour étudier l’élimination des depôts de plomb dans les cylindres des moteurs : réactions de divers bromo-éthanes avec le plomb-tetra-éthyle, l’oxyde de plomb et le plomb métallique
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Contribution à l’étude des valeurs antidétonantes sur les voitures françaises
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Octane Number and Automotive Gasoline Engine Performance
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Contribution à l’étude du phénomène de cliquetis
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Sulphur in Automotive Gasoline–A Review of the Work of the Coordinating Research Council, Inc. (U.S.A.), in Regard to the Sulphur Content of Gasoline (for Automotive Vehicles) and the Effect of Sulphur on Engine Operation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Influence des composés oxygènes stir le comportement des essences pour autos et avions dans le moteur
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Products of Combustion from Diesel Fuel
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Lubrication Problems
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Viscosity–Temperature–Pressure Relationships, Their Correlation and Significance for Lubrication
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Practical Application of the Flash-Temperature Hypothesis to Gear Lubrication
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Mechanism of Boundary Lubrication
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
On the Problem of Lubricity in the Machining and Working of Metals
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Limiting factors in Manufacture of Lubricating Grease
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Developments in the Field of Soda Base Greases
A. Bondi; J. P. Caruso; H. M. Fraser; J. D. Smith; S. T. Abrams; A. M. Cravath; R. J. Moore; W. H. Peterson; A. L. Smith; F. H. Stross; E. R. White; J. N. Wilson
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Detergents for Motor Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Engine Lubricating Oils for the Reduction of Wear
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Lubricating Oils in the International Combustion Engine
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Specificity of Pour Point Depressants in Lubricating Oils
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Application of Petroleum Oils in the Manufacture of Power Cables
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les pertes diélectriques à fréquence variable des huiles isolantes
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Utilisation de bitume pour l’agglomération des fines de charbon
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Use of Asphaltic Bitumen for the Construction of Dykes in The Netherlands
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Choice of Asphalt for Asphalt Roofing
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Influence of Rubber on Sonic Mechanical Properties of Asphaltic Bitumen
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Progrès accomplis dans la fabrication des tubes de fours de raffineries
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Ferrous Metal Tubing in Oil Refining Processes
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Welding of Metals important to the Petroleum Industrv
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Surface Corrosion of Heat-resisting Materials under the Action of Bunker Oil Ashes containing Sodium, Sulphur and Vanadium
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La protection anticorrosive des conduites souterraines et la prospection du terrain
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La sûreté et l’économie dans la protection des canalisations souterraines en acier
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Mitigation of Corrosion within Cargo Compartments aboard a T-2 Tanker
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Rust-inhibited Distillate Fuels
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Standardization of Petroleum Equipment
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
De la nécessité de prévoir une adaptation des méthodes de contacts et d’échanges entre les industries américaine et européenne dans le secteur ”pétrole”
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Standard Storage Tanks
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
New Stress Calculations and Temperature Curves for Integral Flanges
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Unfired Pressure Vessels for the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Application and Comparison of various Types of Cooling Equipment
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Transmission de chaleur sans paroi
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Mechanical Seals in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Modern Fire Protection Equipment for Refineries and Storage
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Performance of the Propane Refrigeration System using Centrifugal Compressors
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La pollution dans le transport par pipeline des produits du pétrole
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Pressure Surge in Oil Pipe Lines
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Some Technical Aspects of the Tacagua Products Pipeline
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Large-Diameter High-Strength Pipe for Oil and Gas Transmission
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Modern Developments in Drum Making
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Progress in Oil Measurement Standardisation in the United Kingdom
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
International Petroleum Tables–Their Origin, Development and Practical Importance
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Progress in Oil Measurement Standardisation in the United States
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Principes généraux de métrologie applicables au commerce des produits pétroliers
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
New Techniques in the Gathering, Measurement, and Sampling of Crude Oil
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Slippage Errors in Positive Displacement Liquid Meters
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les compteurs volumétriques de précision
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Les ports pétroliers. Les nouvelles installations françaises
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Size and Speed of Tankers and Recent Improvements in Construction
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Tanker Turnround–Some Practical Aspects of the Discharge of Ocean Tankers
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Réglémentation internationale pour le transport de liquides combustibles sur les voies de navigation intérieure des pays de l’Europe Occidentale
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Short-Term and Long-Term Tanker Freight Rates and the Significance of Their Fluctuations
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Use of Machine-sorted Punched Cards in Documentation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Problems of Classification and Documentation in the United States Patent Office in the, field of Petroleum and Allied Subjects
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Modifications apportées depuis 1937 aux statuts juridiques des recherches d’hydrocarbures en France métropolitaine et dans les autres pays de l’Union Française
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Economic and Financial Problems of Italian Hydrocarbon Gases. I–State Concessions and State Participation
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Economic and Financial Problems of Italian Hydrocarbon Gases. II–Private or States Management
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Significance of the Marshall Plan for the Petroleum Industry in Europe. Historical Review of the Period 1947-1950
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Influence of Cyclical Variations in Overall Business Conditions upon the Demand for Petroleum Products
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Past, Present, and Likely Future Price Structure for the International Oil Trade
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Distribution of Oil Throughout the World
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Use of Statistics as an Aid to Management in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Relative Economic Position of Petroleum and Synthetic Oil. An Analysis of the Supply–Demand Position of these Fuels
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Le marge de raffinage en France et les frais de traitement en usines françaises
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Productivité de la mise en place
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
The Economic Use of Roads
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Practical Approach to Employee Training
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Training Esso Men in Europe and North Africa
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
La formation et le perfectionnement dans le cadre de l’entreprise
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
A Vocabulary of Job and Technical Terms Used in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Petroleum Research in the Independent, Nonprofit Laboratory
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
National Committees and their Delegates
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
General Report on Preparation and Results of the Third World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
Text of the Resolutions approved by the Congress at the Final Plenary Session
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.
1) Quelques progrès récents en chimie du pétrole
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 1951.