In the following paper there are set out a few data regarding the production, transport and consumption of hydrocarbons in Italy, so as to give an over-all picture of the national gas-extraction industry. As will be seen, these data essentially concern the Northern Regions (Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia, Lombardy, Veneto): for these only, up to now, have an assured large-scale reductive capacity, and, moreover, we have fair y detailed information about their energy requirements.
La communication présente quelques données sur la production, le transport et la consommation d'hydrocarbures en Italie afin de peindre à grands traits le tableau de l'industrie nationale d'extraction de gaz. Comme l'on verra, ces données concernent essentiellement les régions du nord (Ligurie, Piémont, Emilie, Lombardie, Vénétie), parce que jusqu'ici celles-ci seules ont une capacité assurée de production à grande échelle et que nous possédons de plus des renseignements assez détaillés sur leurs besoins d'énergie. "Production of Hydrocarbons in the past The beginning of hydrocarbon prospecting in Italy can be traced back to 1860, a year after the United States, and four years after Rumania began prospecting. Unfortunately, owing to a number of reasons which may be attributed both to the technical difficulties of research caused by the considerable depth of the deposits, and to the lack of funds available to prospectors, the production was always short of national consumption. In table I are given * Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli, Roma, Italy. the average yearly figures (in ten-year periods from 1860 to 1939) of Italian hydrocarbon production, and of the imports of oil and coal products. All figures have been reduced to bituminous coal equivalents with the following Co-efficients of conversion: 1 kilo coal = 0.6 kilos oil products = 0.67 CU. metres methane.
The table shows that the contribution of hydrocarbons towards covering energy requirements was inconsiderable until recent years during which the exploitation of the Po Plain fields was begun by AGIP. The present situation regarding production, and the prospects for the future are dealt with in the following section.
Present and Estimated Production of Hydrocarbons The deposits now being worked by AGIP as at the end of 1950 are the following: San Giorgio, Caviaga, Ripalta, Cortemaggiore. To these will be added two new fields: Soresina and Cornegliano, where exploration has confirmed productive capacity.
Drilling is being carried out in other formations detected by geological surveys. The reserves of gas in the fields now being worked may be estimated at about 60 milliards of cubic metres, equivalent to a daily potential supply of 10 million cubic metres for 20