The sulphu content of petroleum products can r sirable corrosions and ash deposits, LJ~, cLi,~liy 111 llc;ldy loaded machines.

The present article refers to some of the experiences of the Swiss Engineering Industry in this conncction. The account of the many different kinds oÍ problems whi is intended to 5 solution of th ery mide scale cooperation o :sted parties. TI portance of the uuebtlonc. both for the proaucers and consumer)ducts, cannot be sufficiently empl ch occur, ese on a v f all intercs of petroleum pic iasized.


Le soufre et les incombustibles minéraux (cendres) contenus dans les fuels provoquent des corrosions, des abrasions, des dépôts indésirables. Ces phénomè- nes acquièrent une importance toute spéciale pour les machines modernes fortement sollicitées. La présente coinmunication donne un résumé de quelques exp& riences et observations faites à ce propos par l'industrie suisse des machines. Son but est de rendre attentif à la complexité des problèmes qui se pré- sentent et d'inciter tous les intéressés à collaborer sur une large base à leur étude et à leur solution.

Aussi bien pour les producteurs que pour les usagers de fuels ces questions sont de la plus haute importance. I1 est indispensable de conjuger les efforts des uns et des aut >duction Dif ficulties often occur when petroleum products are used as industrial fuels. These are mainly caused by a) the sulphur content of the fuel oils, b) their ash content.

The problems connected with the elimination r, f regards the future use of petroieum products as fuel. 1 t has long been known that the sulphur compounds ir! fuel oils can have undesirable effects, However, it is only comparatively recently that the chemist has begun to concern himself with the detrimental effects of oil ashes, this being due to the difficulties which have occurred when using fuel oils with ash content as turbines and high power steam boilers.

Jp to the present very few facts associated with e problems are known and these are furthermore parrly of a contradictory nature. Further detailed and systematic investigations are therefore necessary. The extent of these investigations is beyond the resources of any single firm or even branch of industry, but their importance justifies research on a very wide scale with the cooperation of all interested parties.

The following account refers to some experiences obtained and some investigations made and planned in Swiss engineering circles, these being such that they serve to indicate the course to be taken in connection with such work.

IThe Influence of the Sulphur Content The effects resulting from the sulphur content may be of two kinds, namely those primarily due t

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