First of all I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to be here in Rio and address this eminent audience on this important issue. I have just arrived from Johannesburg where the World Summit on Sustainable Development is taking place as you all know very well. It certainly illustrates the relevance of my theme to come from Rio+10 back to Rio to discuss with colleagues in the petroleum world, how we have progressed and how our further response should be to take the lead on the sustainability issues.

The very importance of the Brundtland commission in Rio ten years ago was to throw business corporations the glove on sustainability issues. For the first time the importance of having economic growth to be able to solve environmental and social challenges in the world, was clearly stated. And I feel that businesses have faced this challenge - we picked up the glove - and are fully participating in the process of sustainable development.

Coming directly from Jo'burg although not knowing the political conclusions of that event, let me share some observations with you.

  • There is growing frustration in all quarters that targets set in Rio are not met. This is particularly the case for developing countries not having the benefit of FDI. The issues of poverty and lack of progress in capacity building is in this respect critical.

  • The interphase between Governments, Civil Society and NG0's and Business is changing.

The lack of progress in real life is opening up for new alliances and partnerships.

  • The Business Case for Sustainable Development is emerging as a strategic and competitive issue within leading companies.

  • Business potential for being recognized as part of the solution rather than being the problem is improved.

  • Our main challenge is to further enhance our credibility in society at large as a key player in making real the vision of Sustainable Development.

  • That will require

  • Strategic priority

  • Walking the talk in the way we operate

  • Dialogue and partnership with stakeholders

  • Transparency in reporting thus providing a platform for accountability.BLOCK 1 - - PLENARIES 35


The social dimensions is an integral part of the concept, Sustainable Development. The term - SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility - is often used to identify the business role in this context. However CSR has no clear definition, and to discuss what it exactly embraces is a point in it itself. It has become increasingly important to understand and address the role of the company and its behavior in a wider context than just economic growth. Growing public awareness, and more forceful demands

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