Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, delegates to the World Petroleum Congress.

I'm honoured and privileged to chair the Lunch of the Americas.


  • Our Corporate sector benefits from its support/partnerships for local communities


  • Direct financial contributions for community facilities like hockey arenas or swimming pools.


  • Many companies allow senior employees to take paid time off to work on a charity's fundraising drive.

  • For example, EnCana Corp., the largest independent oil and gas company in Calgary, spends 1 per cent of their pre-tax profits on community programs.

  • Among many things it does, EnCana allows employees to select a charity they like, and have the amount they pledge taken off their pay - and then matched dollar for dollar by the company.

  • Altogether, EnCana spends $8 million per year on programs of corporate social responsibility.

  • For over 30 years, organizations have created partnerships with our native communities.

  • Aboriginal leaders have become convinced of the urgent need to create meaningful jobs for young aboriginals, and to begin creating wealth locally to reduce their dependence on governments.

  • A longstanding leader in this regard is the Syncrude oil sands consortium in northern Alberta.

  • Currently nearly 600 aboriginals work for the plant or its sub-contractors.

  • Every year, Syncrude spends tens of millions of dollars purchasing goods and services from aboriginal-owned companies.

  • Helping aboriginals to become true wealth-creators rather than recipients of hand-outs fosters dignity, self-sufficiency and self-respect.

  • Why does corporate social responsibility succeed in Alberta?

  • One reason is that our citizens - - ordinary people, employees and their families - - demand it.

  • We are a society governed by the rule of law, with respect for civil liberties and property rights.

  • A society where corporations regard their employees as precious assets to be nurtured and cultivated.




  • Alberta is the volunteer capital of Canada.

  • People integrate their work with leisure, family and social involvement.

  • This engagement made our Olympic Winter Games such a success, and it enables so many charities and social organizations to function. (Over 12,000 volunteers.)

  • WPC was held in Calgary in 2000.

  • Another important element is honest and ethical government.

  • I'm very proud of Alberta's land-tenure system for natural resource development.

  • It's an open and fair system that plays no favourites among competing companies.

  • It has never been corrupted.

  • And that's important to today's issue, because the foundation for corporate social responsibility includes an atmosphere in which companies don't have to fear arbitrary taxes, expropriation, dem

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