It is a great pleasure to welcome you here at the 17th World Petroleum Congress, so that we can talk about business opportunities in Brazil, as well as risks and opportunities in terms of the supply of goods, services and equipment to the oil and gas industry. I call my panel companions, Dr. Luis Ernesto Geminiani, the Managing Director of Promon Engenharia, who is the Joint Chair of this Session.

I would also like to ask Dr. Irany Varella to join us here, the Director of the Petrobras Services Area.

Dr. MaurÍcio Mendonça, the Technology Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, as well CTPETRO, Dr. Francis John Bob, President of FMC Technologies.

Dr. Frederico Delamare, President of Technip-Coflexip do Brasil, and Dr. Ronaldo de Carvalho Veirano, the Managing Director of Veirano e Advogados Associados law firm.

The last called will speak first, Dr. Eduardo Rappel who is the Executive Secretary or Director General of the National Petroleum Agency, which is closely related to the topic of our session this afternoon.

Quickly, so as not to lose any time, if my fellow members of the panel allow me, I would like to tell you about the vision of ABDIB in a non-passionate way, looking at the political aspects that are so much in fashion nowadays and explaining what the service industry has been to the petroleum and gas industry.

This is our view. Not just the products, but the exclusive view of the members of ABDIB, and also the oil and gas we need in São Paulo. So it is this view as well.

Next slide please.

We are going to talk about the supply of goods and services to the oil and gas industry. As we all know, over the past few years the oil and gas industry has undergone sweeping changes in its institutional framework, from 1946 (when Brazil's oil monopoly was established) through to 1995 when this petroleum monopoly was flexible.

I know we have all fought intensively for it. In 1997, Law No 9,478 introduced a tool for which we all struggled: the Regulatory Agency. In fact, the kick-off from the State to a new situation where its role would be related more to supervision and oversight. The independent agencies would ensure compliance with the regulations. The National Petroleum Agency is responsible for regulating Brazil's oil and gas industry, advising the Grantor Authority while regulating and checking these activities, fostering free competition and innovation while preserving the public interest and conserving the environment in Brazil.



Based on this sweeping transformation, trying to bring all the service agents and players in the oil and gas industry together, specifically in June in São Paulo we attempted to organize this INFRA 2020 event. For two

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