
Petrobras has successfully concluded the development of Albacora and Marlim fields in water depths ranging from 230 to 1040 meters in Campos Basin (Figure 1), offshore Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. In Albacora, there are 57 production wells and 6 water injection wells connected to two floating and production units: P-25, which is a semi-submersible unit (SS), and P-31, which is a floating, production and offloading unit (FPSO). In Marlim, there are 83 production wells and 46 water injection wells connected to eigth FPU, four SS (P-18, P-19, P-20 and P-26), three FPSO (P- 33, P-35 and P-37) and one floating, storage and offloading unit (FSO P-32). These fields are producing 680 thousands barrels per day of oil and 10.6 million cubic meters of gas.

Currently, there are six large fields been developed by Petrobras in Campos Basin: Roncador, Albacora Leste, Marlim Sul, Marlim Leste, Barracuda and Caratinga, which have a combined 4.2 billion barrels of proved reserves. These fields are producing through pilot-projects to existing platforms located in Marlim and Albacora fields as wells as to two other FPU: P-34 and Seillean.

Two FPU (P-38 and P-40) are already in production in Marlim Sul. Three FPSOs are under construction: P-43 for Barracuda, P-48 for Caratinga and FPSO-BRASIL (chartered unit) for Roncador.

Eleven rigs are drilling and completing wells in Marlim Sul, Barracuda. Caratinga, Albacora Leste and Roncador. The development of some parts of these fields are still in early stages of design, however, it is possible to estimate that their full development will require the installation of eleven FPU and the connection of 150 production and 100 injection wells, which will require additional investments of over US$ 10 billion. The peak of production of these projects should reach more than 1 million barrels per day (Figure 2).

This paper is an overall description of current and future development of Roncador, Albacora Leste, Marlim Sul, Marlim Leste, Barracuda and Caratinga fields and the main technical challenges that will be faced in years to come.

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